Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Horses, Tropical Storms, and Lots of Adventure!

Greetings all from Central America!  I am currently in Costa Rica and though I had planned on a hike in the rainforest, things fell through and now here I am in Puntarenas writing to all of you instead!  I have lots of ground to cover in today’s blog.  San Francisco, Cabo, Puerto Vallarta...not to mention two tropical storms, a zip lining adventure, and horseback riding on the beach.  (I basically just gave a summary of everything I did this past week so hopefully you still feel it necessary to read the rest of the blog).

Let’s start with San Francisco!  Or..”San Fran” as the locals say.  I was there for two days, so I’m basically a resident by now.  The first day I was in the city was a little chilly, but very enjoyable!  The first thing I did when I got off the ship was make a bee line from Alcatraz.  I am obsessed with prison shows, prison movies, prison documentaries and...well, prisons in  general so Alcatraz was something that I had been looking forward to since I found out I would be going to San Francisco.  However, when I got there, the sign said that all tours were sold out until Tuesday.  Tuesday! Of course, I arrived on Sunday and would be leaving on Monday so I was majorly disappointed.  However, I didn’t waste much time with a pity party because before I knew it I was on a hop on/hop off bus tour!  Yes, I did the MOST touristy thing I could do, and it was the best decision I ever made.  I used it like a taxi and got off at Union Square knowing that I could use the ticket the following day to do the whole tour because it was a 24 hour ticket (awesome sauce, I know).  Union square was cool to walk around, but I quickly found myself in Macy’s.  I am happy to report that I did not buy a single item!  I tried to find a Starbucks to get on the internet, but I had no such luck.  Instead, I decided to walk back to the pier (which turned out to be a TAD further than I originally predicted) and find a cafe along the way. 

Union Square

A view of the bridge before we went across!

City skyline

A store entirely devoted to cards.  My dream!

Sure enough, I found myself in a little hole in the wall cafe that was filled with the scent of incense and loud Arabian music.  I didn’t stay too long because it was getting dark and San Francisco has some pretty sketchy areas, I’m not going to lie.  I ended up walking for about 3 hours that day.  My feet hurt like crazy but it felt so good!  I felt like I got a little taste of the city and felt confident that I would be ready to go the next morning.  Sure enough, I was up at the crack of dawn and on top of a giant bus.  I spent two hours seeing the city and learning about the history of San Francisco, famous landmarks INCLUDING the Golden Gate Bridge (which always makes me think of Full House) which was super awesome.  I seemed to be the only person from the entire cruise ship who was interested in doing the tour because I spent most of the tour being the only customer.  I took advantage of the privacy and took some selfies on my iPad.  Love it.  

The closest I got to Alcatraz!

Loving the Golden Gate Bridge!  And also having a laugh about how awesome life is.  Obvi...

On my way into Cabo
After San Francisco, we had three sea days (which means busy days for me as a performer) and then we arrived in Cabo San Lucas!  Now, when people say “Cabo!” I usually think of white sand beaches, margaritas, and endless days in the sun.  Unfortunately, that was not the Cabo I experienced.  However, my time in Cabo San Lucas was still unforgettable!  I escorted my first shore excursion in Cabo.  This essentially means that I get to go on the organized tours for free as long as I wear a pin that says “shore escort”.  I went on the “Pacific Horseback Riding Adventure” and I had an amazing time!  One thing I love about going on the shore excursions is I get a chance to introduce myself to some guests and spend some time with them.  There were only six of us on the tour.  It was myself, Dan, and then two couples.  Everyone was retired or close to retirement which mean it was my perfect demographic for conversation.  I especially bonded with Dan because he was Lutheran and...well, we talked about how awesome it is being a Lutheran so that was fun.  It was raining a bit before we got to the horses, but it quickly cleared up and we had beautiful weather during the ride!
Our guide was Jose, and he led us on a two hour trail beginning in the desert/mountain range and then eventually to the white sand beaches I had heard about.  The trip was especially nice because it offered some time of peace and quiet away from everything.  I really like talking to people (which I’m sure is obvious), but I also can really appreciate some time to myself which I definitely had while sitting on a horse for two hours.

Classic selfie on a horse.

Our fearless Jose leading the way!

The beautiful white sand beach!

Enjoying the ride.  Also notice my awesome pin that I get to wear.

I know it looks like I'm riding a donkey or a miniature horse, but it was actually a full size horse, the guy taking the picture was just on a BIGGER horse.  Perhaps that explanation was unnecessary.  Embrace.

Me and my horse, Papaya!

Jose and I after the ride!

Enjoying some snacks on the patio afterward!

So glad I got to get away from the centre of town and experience THIS side of Cabo!

The ride back on the bus was interesting because it started raining cats and dogs.  The roads were washed out, cars were stuck in the middle of the street, and I’m pretty sure our bus broke down three times...When we finally got back to the centre of the city it was still raining really hard, but I found shelter at a cafe.  I checked my e-mail and then made my way to the tender boats which would take us on a 15 min. ride to the ship.  However, the rain and wind became so crazy that the water was too rough for the tender boats, so I stood in the rain getting completely soaked for 45 minutes!  I found out later that it was actually a tropical storm and I’m glad I didn’t know that at the time because I would’ve probably thought that I was going to die.  By the time I got back, I was completely soaked.  I had a nice LONG shower and was thankful for my adventurous day!  I thought I experienced all the surprises I could handle...and then I went to Puerto Vallarta. J

This was just a sign that I thought was funny outside of a parrot cage
As soon as the ship arrived in Puerto Vallarta, I was off and met the nine people I would be sharing the day with!  I have to tell you about them because they are awesome.  First, there was Dan and Chris, newlyweds from Washington.  Of course, as soon as I found out they were newlyweds I asked them a million questions about their love story and AS predicted, it was adorable.  Making them adorable. Then, there were three retired couples.  Mike and Louise from Florida, Rusty and Jonanna from Florida (? I’m not sure where they are from actually, but i feel like 50% of the passengers onboard are from Florida), and then Karen and Bruce.  Finally, there was a woman named Carol from Seattle who was traveling with her friend.  Funnily enough, I met her friend the day before randomly so that was fun to find out. 

Anyway, we were all excited to go zip lining, but before we got to actually GO zip lining, we had to get to “base camp” which was about an hour away.  Did we get in a bus? No. Did we get in vans? No.  A boat? Ah! You would think.  But NO we all boarded an open air jeep like vehicle that held all ten of us.  It made for quite the exciting/interesting ride because we could see everything around us which was awesome, and it also didn’t take well to potholes and bumps in the road.  Note: there are a lot of bumps and potholes in Mexico.  The great thing about going on excursions is that often they have to take you out of the city, so you get to go beyond all the tourist stuff and actually see where the locals live, what they do etc.  We were able to see a lot of different parts of the city and I was able to capture some of it on film. Side note: Mexican drivers are the craziest drivers I have ever seen in my life!  I probably thought I was going to die 10 times.  I don't think "patient" would be the word to describe our fellow travellers on the road...

On our way!

I must also say that the ride was great because I got to know all of my fellow passengers who were all so great.  Once we got to base camp, we all got geared up and took a few photos.  Mike and Louise said that they would be my pretend parents for the day which was awesome because I didn’t look like a loner in the first picture that was taken.  I should also mention that not only was I doing this tour with the 9 other people from the ship, but there were also 6 guides that were up there with us that were hilarious and so much fun!  They kept calling everyone “mama” or”baby” which was also hilarious.  They even started calling me “wonder woman” because they thought I was really fast at all the elements.  However, I didn’t allow myself to get a big head because I was being compared to people in their 60s.  It was really funny though. They also kept asking me to sing because the passengers told them I was the singer/piano player on board.  One guy wouldn’t even let me go on the zip line until I serenaded him!  Of course, I obliged.  It didn’t take much arm twisting because...I’m Annika Odegard and will sing at any possible opportunity.  My favourite guide was probably Pedro who was taking photos.  He kept on telling the other guides that they couldn’t clip me in or help me because “we were together”.  “No, do not touch her.  She is with me.” he kept saying and it was so hilarious.  Of course, I was glad that the guy who liked me the most was the photographer because he was constantly capturing everything I did.  Thank you Pedro!

Anyway, I won’t go on and on about the adventure and instead, let the pictures do the talking for me.  I will mention that the course was a combination of zip lining, high ropes elements (the wobbly woozy was a feature for all you camp people reading), and then to repels.  The whole thing was so awesome and I was so happy I did it!
Louise, Myself, and Mike

The whole group with our guides!

The first zip line!

Starting to have fun with the photographer...it didn't take long.  

First Repel

Climbing Up the Giant Ladder

Almost to the top!

"Pedro, next time you take a picture I am going to pretend that you said something REALLY funny ok?"

Backwards Line

Naza and Me!

Final Repel!

"Pedro I need a diva pose picture!!!"

After we conquered the course, we had some time to grab a snack (I got a homemade quesadilla for $2.00 which was sa-wheeet!) and then it was back on the “vehicle” to get us back to the ship.  It was sprinkling a little bit the whole day but when we got in the jeep it started to pour.  And it kept pouring and pouring and pouring for the rest of our time outside.  It basically turned into what looked like a flash flood.  Kids were walking home from school completely drenched without shoes on.  Cars were getting stuck in the road.  Our driver was having his own set of issues with the vehicle and everyone in the back was just laughing as we all bumped around and continued to get soaked.  We were scared we weren’t going to make it back to the ship!  But we did.  We were all completely drenched, cold, and dirty but we were back.  I had the hottest, longest, shower I’ve ever had in my life that night and as I was enjoying the warmth, I thanked God for the opportunities He has given me here.  I have been able to see so much, experience it with new people that I would’ve never met otherwise, and do things I never dreamed of doing!  This whole “seeing the world” thing has turned out to be a really great perk to this job.  I have more to tell you because there are people on this ship that I love and would love to tell you about, but I will save that for my next post.  I think three cities is enough for you all to read.  If you even made it to this point. J

Sending love, hugs, and smiles to all of you back at home!  Although I am enjoying my adventures here, I still think of you all often and pray that you are all doing well!

P.S It is hotter here than anywhere else I have ever been.  Here's a little photo to let you imagine how hot I am right now.  If you can't tell, I am using my frappe to cool myself.  Smart thinking, I know.  I have many funny stories to share but unfortunately there is not enough time to write it all!  More stories next time, I promise! Bye for now!


  1. Yes! I finally beat Zach on commenting!

    Okay, firstly so jealous of Avant Card...that looks like the best store EVER. Pretty awesome name too.

    You spent much of this post talking about the rainy weather and how you got completely soaked...why have you not shown us any of those pictures? Enough of the sporty/trendy Lulu shots - we want to see you looking like a drowned rat :)

    Pedro sounds like fun - loving all the zipline pictures!

    Glad to know you are still alive - was starting to worry there a bit...keep the updates coming!


  2. Also...your last picture reminded me of Antiparos :)

  3. "we want to see you looking like a drowned rat". Haha who are you? Also, couldn't take photos because the camera would've been completely ruined. Safety first ings!
