Monday, October 8, 2012

Panama Canal Cruise...Colombia!

Well folks, I have finished my first Panama Canal cruise and am enjoying my time in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  I haven’t been here in a few years and it is good to be back!  I don’t have much time in town today because I am playing “embarkation music” which basically means that I have to be on the ship before all the guests get on and play the piano to create an “ambiance”.  I'm hoping to use it as an opportunity to sight read some new music because there won’t be ANYONE listening since they are all busy running around the ship discovering everything, getting lost and of course, most guests hit the buffet as soon as they get on board.  Since I last wrote, I have only been to one port and that was Cartegena, Colombia.

Kathy trying to "hide" behind me so the camera wouldn't see her fully body.  Silly lady.
Before I talk about Columbia, I wanted to tell you about some of my favourite people on the ship this cruise.  There are definitely pros and cons to the 17 night cruises.  The downside is that I have to really stretch my repertoire and make it last for 17 days which, when doing 3 sets a day can be somewhat challenging.  We also have a lot of sea days which can get exhausting because they are busier for us musicians than port days, and it can just get frustrating being on a boat for days at a time.  However, I think I have adjusted rather well and don’t mind being on the sea at all.  Especially, now that it is hot and I can read my book outside in the sunshine!  Anyway, the greatest thing about these longer cruises is that you get some time to get to know some of the guests really well.  I had a few favourites these past two weeks and I am so sad they have left!
A guy named "Guy" who came to most of my sets!
There were many people that I grew to love.   There were these two old men from Florida that were best friends and came to watch me play every day and Danny (one of them) would sing along to all the songs and tell me lots of stories about living in New York City as a stockbroker and all the adventures he had.  For example, one night a LONG time ago he sang at a nightclub around a piano with Liza Minelli.  He just casually mentioned that like it wasn’t a big was.  So they were great.  Then, there was Kathy and Tim.  I would have to say they are the biggest fans I’ve had on the ship thus far.  They saw me perform one night and then immediately after the show, they came up to me and said “We are going to follow you this entire cruise!!” and that they did!  I was so glad that they liked the music so much.  They came to every single set, I think.  It was so funny because Kathy kept saying “We aren’t stalking you, I promise!  Well...actually, I guess we are a bit”.  They are from Florida and aren't really into cruising so they weren’t super involved with all the activities that the ship provides (hence, why they were able to attend every set).  They took me out to lunch which was so sweet and then even took me to the speciality restaurant on board!  This place was super fancy and I was so happy they wanted to get to know me because we had a lot of fun becoming friends.  They also were great because they just LOVED when I would tell stories at my sets.  Stories about my family, ex-boyfriends, former teachers, my adventures in Montana etc.  At the end of the cruise, they said “I think we know your family better than we know YOU!”.  I like to talk about my family a lot...Anyway, they were great but now they are gone and it is time for the next set of passengers to get on!  Before we get to that, however, I should tell you about my time in Cartegena! 

The activity on the agenda for my day in Colombia was a horse drawn carriage ride through the city’s old town.  Unlike my previous tours, this one had about 50 people on it so I didn’t get to know any of the passengers very well but that was ok because I was trying not to lose my voice, and generally, if someone talks to me, I end up talking (usually very loudly) for a few hours.  Anyway, we started on a bus with a tour guide named “Lee” who was great.  We saw an old fort (sorry I can’t remember what it’s called right now which is probably really embarrassing) and learned about Cartegena’s history.  I got out and took a few pictures, but it is really annoying because there are constantly locals coming up to you trying to get you to buy ANYTHING they think they can sell.  Coffee, little leather purses, paintings, fans, water, jewellery (made of plastic) and everything else under the sun.  It gets really annoying because they actually follow you (don’t worry Mum, I wasn’t walking into any dark alleys).  So, I took a few pictures and then got back on the bus.

Outside the fort.

Before I knew it, we were in our horse drawn carriages!  It was really fun going through the Old Town and learning more about the city, specifically its signature colonial architecture that is required of all restored buildings and new additions to the city centre.  I had a scary interaction with a mime at one point when a street performer jumped on me while I was on the carriage.  Of course I made the sound that all of us Odegard women make when something is scary (think Mum when anyone is driving and she thinks that we are about to hit something).  After gathering my wits, I took a picture of him with another person on the carriage.  And then he charged me a dollar!  Of course, I was not happy about it, but have you ever tried arguing with a mime?  It is more difficult than you would think!  

Crazy mime

Old Town

Convent/Cathedral..? Sorry it was hard to understand what the guide was saying

After the carriage ride was done, we had 20 minutes to have a look around.  Of course, I went shopping and I’m already experiencing buyer’s remorse.  I spent way too much money on a dress.  If you can even call it a dress.  It’s too long to be a blouse, but to short to be a dress making it very frustrating to wear.  I’m all about rocking the short dresses, but this is one of those garments that, if worn in front of my parents, my Dad would say “Umm...where are your pants?” and, although he says this nearly every time I wear something relatively trendy, I would probably have to respond with “yeah...I should probably go put some pants on.”  So yes, it is too short and now I have to go through the process of trying to return it in a few days when I am back there.  Again, this is why I should never go into stores.  Especially when I have been deprived of good shopping for so long!  I’ll keep you posted on how the dress returning quest goes..

My little story for this post is something that is not exciting for most people, but exciting for me.  Last night I won the "RALF" award for the entertainment department which again, is not really a big deal, but I was really excited.  Basically, the entertainment department gives away this award every cruise to someone who embodies the different attributes of "RALF".
R-Respect others...? I'm actually not sure if that is what it actually stands for...My bad.
A-Arrive on time
L-Look good
F-Have fun!
Whoever is presented the award has to choose the person for the following week and I was chosen this week by Danielle, the stage manger (who I loved immediately because she is from Montana).  I was not expecting it at all because I feel like nobody in the entertainment department even knows who I am so I was totally shocked!  Of course, the first thing I did when I got back to my room was take a selfie.  

...You can tell I'm pretty excited.  Anyway, it was a good cruise!  I am a bit exhausted and hoping that I will get a day off soon, but until then I'm just going to keep my little fingers moving on those keys!  (The piano keys, not the keyboard keys...though I do spend a lot of time typing while writing this blog.  LAWLZ).  Happy Belated Canadian Thanksgiving to all my family and friends back at home!  I saw pictures today of the festivities and was sad I couldn't be there!  I miss you all and send you love from Florida!



  1. You're story about the mime was great! I can totally picture your reaction as well as hear it haha. Also your comment about trying to talk to him. I would imagine that would be extremely difficult and I am laughing out loud thinking about you trying to do it. Love it! The carriages and people trying to sell you stuff reminded me of Sevilla/many places in Spain. Great blog and congratulations on your award! That's really awesome! Keep the stories and pictures coming.


    p.s. Boom Ingrid!

  2. Okay. Also realized I didn't comment on this post, even though I had lots to say. I was so distracted by Zach's outrageous exclamation, that I forgot to come back and post.

    1) The mime - I could not stop laughing imagining all of that happening. Classic.

    2) Congrats on the award! I know inside your heart you were dedicating it to me.

    Gotta get back to work now...peace out, yo!
