Thursday, September 6, 2012

And so it begins...!

Hello blog readers! Firstly, I must apologize for taking so long to write my first blog post.  I know, I know you were probably ALL checking my blog address every ten minutes just HOPING that I had written something.  NAT.  Anyway, I have limited internet access, especially this week because I can’t go into any of the ports as I have to complete a bunch of training sessions.  SO, hopefully when I have a chance to go into the ports, I will be able to update the blog regularly and get some photos/videos up!  But let’s start at the beginning...

I arrived in Seattle on August 30th and after making a fool of myself in the airport trying to carry three bags (because I wasn’t willing to pay the $4 for a cart which, in my opinion is a total rip off...who are you, Seattle? They are FREE in Canada).  Anyway, I eventually got to my hotel and met up with my bestie, Caroline Olsen!  It was so nice to see a bit of the city (even though we spent most of the time at TARGET and The Cheesecake Factory), and spend some quality time together.  I always wish we had more time together, but I am thankful for any chance we have to meet up because I always leave feeling overjoyed and blessed by her friendship.  It was also a great opportunity to take a breath before beginning the adventure of a lifetime!

The following morning, I boarded the bus with 9 other new hires and arrived at the ship at 8:00 AM.  After filling out some forms, I met Tina, my “bandmaster” AKA, my supervisor.  Tina plays in the orchestra and schedules all of my sets in the various lounges around the ship.  I was taken on a tour by Rob, a fellow musician (guitar player/singer) who is from Nashville and AWESOME.  He is almost 50, I think, and one of my good friends here.  He is an avid hiker, so hopefully he will be able to show me some good trails when I can get off the ship next week.  He lives next door to me and is a great neighbour.  Even after an hour long tour, I still had no idea where everything was, but I was definitely excited to see everything!  I then went to my stateroom (which has a WINDOW!) and started unpacking.  I can’t believe I got all of this into two suitcases!

My washroom :)

First day on board!
Most musicians have to share a room, but because I am a solo act, I have my own cabin which I am very grateful for.  I didn’t have much time before I had my first set at Cafe El Bacio which is where I do most of my entertaining.  It is basically a high class Starbucks (a dangerous place for me to be!) and I do both instrumental music as well as vocals.  This is a good combination because I think if I was expected to sing for three sets a day, my voice would be gone after 3 days.  On my way to my first set, I met the acapella group which consists of four boys in their late twenties.  Their names are Eric, Ian, Scott, and Derek.  Eric told me he was from Great Falls, Montana (to which I responded, “No way! I led a VBS day camp at ‘Our Reedeemer’s’ in 2010” in reference to my job as a camp counselor at FLBC.  He did not understand.)  but then things, got even crazier.  I found out that both Scott and Eric went to PLU and know about 30 people that I know!  (For those out there who know people from PLU, Eric was close with Kara Reckin and had a big crush on Anne Hobblit back in the day.  SUCH A SMALL WORLD!!)  Of course, this totally ruined my chance at appearing to be “cool” l because as soon as I found out that we knew all of these people I became dramatic, kept saying “Oh my land” (which still isn’t a common phrase, apparently) and had to walk away and gather myself because I couldn’t believe it!  Eric and I have since discovered that we have about 30 mutual friends in common which has been absolutely fantastic.  To ADD to the craziness, Eric told me yesterday that he ran into my friend (and his friend), in Skagway, Alaska.  I thought he was crazy because I do not know ANYONE in Alaska (let alone anyone that HE would know) but then he whips out a picture of ERIK BUELING!!! For those of you who never worked at camp, Erik Bueling has known me since I was 2 years old and his whole family happened to be in Skagway (including Anita, Mom!).  Eric knows Erik (confusing, I know) from Great Falls because they grew up together.  Eric asked Erik what I was like as a child and he responded with "she was a little diva".  PREACH, ERIK! They were sweet enough to take a picture once they made the connection holding a sign that said "Hi Annika!".  I will post it when Eric sends it to me. :)

I am so sad that I wasn’t able to go into the port that day! So is cray cray.  My first set went well.  I mean, it started off a bit rough because I was drinking water and spilled it all over my evening gown.  The guy who always brings me my water, Kenet, just said “You are clumsy.  You are nervous?” I just laughed and explained to him that I spill on myself a lot.  The cafe is a bit of a tricky venue to play in because some people want to talk, others want to listen, some are reading etc. so I’m not sure if I should sing loudly or quietly (I know everyone is thinking that it is impossible for me to sing quietly, but still).  However, as time has gone by I have figured out how to read the crowd and things have been going really well.
Sometimes, I perform in the “Rendevous Lounge” which has much more of a performance vibe to it.  That is when I sing for the whole hour and do all of my favourite songs.   So far, I have received positive comments, and I hope that the pattern continues. 

There is about 1,000 crew members on board and everyone is really nice.  They have great events and parties for the crew.  For example, a few nights ago, we had a “Michael Jackson” concert which involved not only musicians, but other crew members performing some of Michael Jackson’s most famous numbers.  It was great because as I was watching, I realized that the guy doing the moonwalk and dancing in a wig, was my AV tech “Bronson” from the Philippines.  It was SEW MUCH FUN to see everyone get into it and take part.  I’m pretty sure half the audience was on their feet the whole time just dancing in the theatre.  The thing that is so weird about it though is that all these events start at midnight or 1:00 AM because that’s the only time guests aren’t in the theatre or lounges.  I hope that they will have more events coming up that I can take part in because it looked like such a blast.   

I got a small taste of Ketchikan, Alaska through my window!
It is quite a big change waking up every morning and realizing that the ONLY thing I have to do that day is sing...and play piano...God is so good!  I cannot wait until I can get off at the ports which will happen after these training sessions are done AKA next week.  Alaska is absolutely stunning.  Actually, “majestic” would be a better word to describe the landscape, and it is absolutely killing me that I have to look at it, but can’t get off the ship yet.  I am excited to hike and see everything that the state has to offer. 

There are still lots of things that I am figuring out as I go along, but so far I am really enjoying myself.  I have met some great musicians that I think will teach me a lot.  My pianist friend, Danilo/Dawson (he goes by either name.  He told me to call him Dawson, but everyone else calls him Danilo so I’m pretty sure they just think that I don’t know his name) is going to teach me how to read charts; something I’ve been dying to learn how to do!  I get to sing every day and get paid for it.  AND...I get to see parts of the world that I’ve never seen before!  Oh and, I get to dress up every. single. night.  Does life get any better for a diva?? I don’t think so.
I will be doing my best to update my blog as much as I can. Due to my lack of internet connection on the ship and, honestly my lack of close friends at this point, I do not have a lot of pictures to post.  Let's be honest, there is a certain amount of selfies that you can take until it becomes obnoxious and embarrassing because all the photos consist of me and my large arm holding the camera...Such is life.  I will leave you with a TIMED picture that I took in my room before my first set!

Sending love to all of you, wherever you are!!


  1. I can't imagine having to look out that window at all the amazing landscape and not being able to venture out onto it yet. Looking forward to hearing more about when you get to explore Alaska, and all the crazy adventures you are going to have. Also I can not believe how much stuff you fit into two suitcases. It is crazy.

  2. Annika! I am so proud of you! You are doing it, girl! And what a small world! I have known Eric Faris since eighth grade! Tell him hello! Enjoy this time so much. You are going to wow everyone. I would go on a cruise just to hear you entertain :) Let me know if the cruiseline ever decides to send you across the Atlantic to a port in West Africa!

  3. Oh my goodness. I can't believe Eric Bueling was randomly in Skagway with his family! What a small world. Even smaller that he knows the other Eric. How did they even make the connection? Crazy. I love it. Hopefully you can get into Skagway when the ship goes back there - it's such a great town. That's where "li'l Skags" originated :)

    Glad the singing is going well! And I echo Zach's comment about fitting all those clothes into the two suitcases :)

    Looking forward to more updates - love ya!
