Friday, September 21, 2012

Goodbye Alaska....Helloooo Panama!!

Hello all!
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the beautiful season of Fall!  Fall is my favourite season.  But I won’t be able to enjoy it the same way this year because the reason I love fall is because of the clothes you get to wear.  It’s not too hot, not too cold, and you can wear a scarf everyday without looking pretentious.  I love it.  Unfortunately, I will be heading down to PANAMA this next week, so there will not be any scarf-wearing happening.  However, I’m fine with that because, as I mentioned, I am going to PANAMA.  Awesomesauce. 

But of course, before I begin my journey south, I have to update you all on this past week in Alaska and Victoria.  I am so glad I had three weeks in Alaska.  Though I couldn’t get off the ship the first week, I was definitely given some time to appreciate its beauty.  I would love to go back when I have more time and really explore the state, but for the time being, I am ready to leave and see something new.  Nothing extraordinary happened on this cruise, but I really enjoyed my time in the ports.

A view of the ship in Ketchikan!
In Ketchikan, I didn’t do much.  We had the big coast guard drill that day, so we only got about 2 hours off the ship.  Basically, I hiked up to the lodge again and used the internet.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day!  The sunniest they said they’d had all season.  I felt bad spending my time using the internet, but it is the only port where the internet is semi-reliable, so I felt it was necessary.  I especially needed internet that day because I had to update my ipad.  Yes, I got an ipad!  I have never really been a mac person, but it became clear to me within the first week of being on the ship that my giant case of music books that I had to bring with me to every set was a tad aggressive.  The page turning in conjunction with the constant need of reinforcements to repair the three hole punches in the music became extremely frustrating and annoying.  I also had a lot of repertoire on my computer that were pdf files, and I couldn’t justify printing that much if I only played them once in a blue moon.  So, I got an ipad which lets me store all of my music on it and turn pages with a quick swipe of the finger!  I am still getting used to the new system.  Sometimes the page doesn’t turn when I swipe my finger so I have to do it a million times, while playing with my right hand, making it look like I’m sword fighting some invisible little creature on the piano.  Apparently it’s quite entertaining for the guests. :)

So that was Ketchikan.  I also didn’t have much time in Juneau due to my schedule so I was only in town for literally a half an hour.  I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t get more time there, but I was just thankful that I saw the glacier the week before.  I had a lot of time in Skagway which made up for my lack of adventure in the other ports.  I was able to go on a nice long hike with Scott and Eric (from the acapella group), Marcus, Kim, and Chris.  It’s always fun hiking with people you meet on the ship!  We went to the lower lake lookout and had a great time talking, laughing, and of course, photo taking on the way up.  Eric was so “sweet” and brought cupcakes with him (see the use of quotations on the word “sweet” because of the cupcakes? Being sweet?  Classic.) which we all enjoyed.  Of course, being a camp counselor at FLBC, I tried to follow Leave No Trace policy, but I’m pretty sure some crumbs dropped.  Also now that I think about it, that probably wasn’t the best idea seeing as how we were hiking in bear country.
Anyway, it was awesome.  It was a beautiful day, but not too hot.  It was a really nice, crisp, fall day.  I even wore a scarf.  Because it was Fall.  Obvi. 
Getting Ready to Go! Lovin' Me Some Lil' Skags

Me, Eric, and Scott

This picture doesn't do the scenery justice!

So glad this candid moment was caught on film.

Ok, C'mon, how cute does the scarf look?  Life is better with scarves.

Life is also better with cupcakes.

Going to miss Eric so much!

The hike took up most of my time spent in Skagway, so I quickly stopped at the souvenir store before leaving and bought a toque.  This is the only thing I bought for myself to remind me of my time in Alaska.  Sadly, I won’t get to wear it anytime soon as I will be wearing shorts and tank tops for the next 10 weeks.  Also I already have so many hats at home and didn’t need another one.  But it was half price, so I bought it.  I feel like I’m going into too much information about this very ordinary, average, run of the mill hat.  So I am going to stop now.  And move on to the sad part about this week coming to an end – that is, the departure of my four good friends here on the ship.  The acappella group that has become my crew”(in my mind, at least.  And apparently in my mind, I use slang like “my crew”).  They are all so awesome, and I am so sad that they are leaving.  Of course, this week I have attacked them with my camera making sure that we capture every moment together.  For example, on formal night, I asked everyone if we could get a picture together after my last set, but Derrekw as the only person that showed up.  Ergo, the picture below...

All my dreams of finally having a "prom" picture taken finally came true.
Needless to say, it was really hard to get them all together for a group photo.  However, I was not going to let them get off the ship without a proper "Diva and Hustla" photo shoot.  See pictures below for the results.  I am pleased.
Classic Derrek and Annika

Annika and Erik (candid)

Ian and Annika

Me and Scott :)

"Quick! Put your arms around me and look like you love me"


545 Express & Annika Odegard.  Take us seriously.

I don't know who suggested the "Totem Pole" pose, but I love it.

Diva and Hustlas.

This is why we are friends.
 So..YEAH.  That happened.  In the rendevous lounge.  This is why these people are awesome.  I am going to miss them so much!  I was very thankful I got to know them all individually, and as a group.  I was also thankful that I got to spend my last night in Victoria with Eric.  We went to Earls (obviously) and enjoyed a great meal together.  I absolutely love Victoria!! I have heard so much about it from my sister, and my friends that went to school there, but it truly exceeded my expectations.  One of my favourite moments of the night was when I introduced Eric to "lululemon", one of my favourite stores.  He was amazed.  AND, randomly enough, the person working there knew me somehow from Canadian Idol and we had a mutual friend from Okotoks.  SO that was crazy.  I haven't heard "Were you on Canadian Idol?" in a LONG time so that was super funny.

Speaking of super funny, my funny "story" for this blog is a video of Scott and Eric playing the piano (see above).  You probably won't think it's that funny, but it captures the essence of our friendship, and I haven't uploaded a video yet.  I will preface it a bit.  Scott and Eric like playing piano duets.  Obviously, this makes my heart sing with joy.  I had to capture one of their jam sessions on film.  Please notice their facial expressions more than anything else.  Their concentration and matching outfits make me smile and I hope this video makes you smile as well!  I am so sad they are leaving, but looking forward to getting to know the new acapella group that is coming onboard today.  I have decided that I will attack them with my personality and we will become best friends for the next three months.  Woo hoo!

I will sign off now, but leave you with a picture of me and my dear friend, Caroline.  I was able to see her one last time before I head down to Panama and I am so excited we were able to meet up in beautiful Seattle!  LOVE HER SO MUCH.  LOVE MY LIFE SO MUCH.  LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH.
Life is better with friends.  And Starbucks.  

Byee for now!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Experiencing Alaska!

Hei Hei everyone!

Hi I'm a tour guide.  Take me seriously.
It has been about a week since my last post, and I am trying to get better at posting more often, but I am still trying to figure out the internet situation in the various ports of Alaska.  I also have to spend time actually SEEING and EXPERIENCING things so I actually have something to blog about which often replaces what would be time spent in an internet cafe.  Anyway, I have lots to discuss because it has been a crazy busy week, so let's get right down to business! Last Friday in Seattle, Caroline came to join me on the cruise for just a wee bit.  We only had time to give a quick tour of the ship (which was really exciting because nobody else knows what the ship actually looks like other than my parents who've gone on it before as passengers...go figure).  It was really fun to show her where I perform and all that jazz.  Of course, we snapped a few photos!

Diva on a boat.

That night, I did my first two sets as per usual and things went well!  I met a few cruisers and it seemed like a great crowd to have for the week.  The next night was a formal night.  Usually, I love formal nights because I love getting super dressed up, but I have realized that it is REALLY difficult to zip up evening gowns by yourself.  I'm not going to go into great detail about the cuts/bruises that were a result of my failed attempt to zip up my gown but let's just say that it is something I need to be careful about.  Speaking of being careful about things, let's talk quickly about the embarrassing things I have done because a) I'm a diva, and b) because I don't think about the consequences that come with diva-esque behaviour.

INCIDENT #1: As a performer, I need to look well-groomed for my audience.  If anyone knows me well, they probably are aware that I pick at my nails a lot.  Thus, instead of painting them, I put on fake nails that you buy at Shopper's Drug Mart.  They were working really well and looked GREAT until I played a song on the piano that apparently was too aggressive for my hands to handle, and in the middle of the song, all of my nails started popping off and flying everywhere!  I literally started laughing in the middle of it because I couldn't believe what was  happening nor could I stop it from happening.  Needless to say, I looked like an idiot picking up all the nails on the ground afterward.  Guess to look good, you have to deal with potential accidents like that.

INCIDENT #2: I was walking down the gangway to meet Caroline and OBVIOUSLY I'm wearing high heels.  I didn't realize that there are giant holes in the gangway and my heel got completely stuck.  Of course, everyone on the gangway gasps and asks if I'm okay as I sort of fall/trip my way out of the heel.  I just yell "Oh yeah, I'm fine, TOTALLY fine!" as I get down on my knees and pry the heel out of the ramp.  Oh, and there are about 50 passengers watching me thinking that I'm an idiot for wearing heels in the first place.  

INCIDENT #3: For one formal night, I was wearing a dress that was a LITTLE snug on me.  I got it on sale, and it fit like a glove.  A really tight glove, but still.  I didn't realize until I was sitting at a piano for two hours that it can become difficult to breathe when wearing the dress for a long period of time.  I thought I was going to faint, but THANKFULLY, I was able to get back to my room and unzip it (resulting in more cuts and bruises) before anything  truly embarrassing happened.

Okay, moving on to my first day in Alaska.  I arrived in Ketchikan and immediately started exploring the town.  I went into some shops and found a great hat (see picture).  The town reminded me so much of Bergen, Norway and therefore, I enjoyed it thoroughly.  I went on a little hike which was beautiful.  The main event of the day, however, was the lumberjack show!  It was so cool to watch!  The guys were really fun to see, but what was even more entertaining was the crowd!  It was basically me and 200 senior citizens screaming at the top of their lungs!  The host definitely did a good job of getting everyone riled up.  It was like there were 250 Debra Odegard's in the audience and I nearly died laughing.  But in all honesty, it was a really great show and they did some really cool events!

I met Sarah Palin.  DBJ.
"Creek Street", a street that is built entirely on a creek.  I guess that was self explanatory, but whatever.

Best. Hat. Ever.


Diva on a trail.
 Juneau was the next day.  Before we got to Juneau, however, the ship passes the Tracy Arm Fjord which was abosolutely stunning.  It was similar to the fjords in Norway, except in Norway, people actually LIVE in the fjords so there are houses scattered throughout the scenery.  However, it was still beautiful to pass by on the ship! I was so excited about Juneau because I would finally get a chance to be outside for awhile in the Alaskan wilderness!  Ian (who is from the acapella group) and I went to see the Mendenhall Glacier.  It was a really fun walk and a beautiful ending point on a sand bar by a waterfall!  It was also great to get to know Ian better and of course, FINALLY have someone to take pictures with. :)

Ian and I

Tracy Arm

Hiking Buddies!
Beautiful Mountains!
Taking a break :)
SO happy to be outside!!

Me and the Glacier!
We didn't have much time in Juneau, so I'm hoping to see more of the town itself this coming week.  My final stop in Alaska was Skagway, or as my sisters like to call it, "Li'l Skags".  It was such a cute little town!  For those Calgarians, it reminded me a lot of Heritage Park.  The sidewalks were wooden, there were lots of cute shops, and great fudge!  I bought WAY TOO MUCH fudge.  Except that there is no such thing as too much fudge.  Anyway, it was little rainy, but the scenery was gorgeous and I enjoyed walking around town by myself.  

My last stop was in Victoria where I met my friend, Tony!  He is just the best.  He drove all the way from Bellingham, Washington to see me and we had the most wonderful time.  He also slept in his car overnight because he is awesome and loves me so much.  We went to my favourite restaurant "earls" where I got my favourite meal and just had the best time talking and laughing.  Mostly laughing because that's what happens when we hang out together.  We then walked around town a bit, took some "candid" photos, and simply enjoyed each other's company.  I am so thankful to have a friend like him!  It was also good to have him there because he prevented me from going into lululemon and buying all of their inventory (that's "accounting" talk for products the store sells, Ingrid.  Just in case you didn't know. ;)  Anyway, it was a great way to end the second cruise.  

Starbucks is always a must!

Thanks for coming out, Lil' cutie!
Today I am in Seattle and walked around the market before I arrived at Starbucks to get on the internet.  Hopefully I can meet up with Caroline next week and she can show me some more sights.  Before I go, I will leave you with a random story.  There are so many funny things that happen on this ship, so I will probably always sign off with a story that I think is hilarious that probably isn't that funny but I will share it anyways.

So there is this woman named Patsy that was on the ship last week.  She was about 80 years old and reminded me so much of my Grandma.  She looked lost so I asked her if I could help her.  This was our conversation:

Me: Hello there, can I help you find something?
Patsy: Yes, I'm looking for a bathroom. (Side note: we are in an elevator at this point)
Me: Oh perfect, well we can get out of the elevator and I can take you to a washroom next to the buffet
Patsy: Ok

(We get off the elevator and she begins to move at a pace of about 2 metres per hour.  I embrace it.)

Patsy: So what's your name?
Me: Annika, and you?
Patsy: Patsy.  Patsy Cline.  (light chuckle) No, not really though.  Just Patsy.
Me: haha Great! Nice to meet you Patsy!
Patsy: Do you have children?
Me: ...No, I don't.  I'm only 21.
Patsy: Well, that doesn't mean anything. (Totally something my Grandma would say).

(I tell her to wait in a hallway so I can check that there is, in fact a washroom up ahead.  I tell her not to move! I come back 30 seconds later.  She is gone.  She is the kitchen.  I quickly find her and take her to the washroom.)

Me: So Patsy, is there anywhere I can take you after you go to the washroom?  Where were you headed before you found me?
Patsy: Well, I'm trying to find my husband.

(On a ship of 3,000 people, she is trying to find her husband.)

Praise the Lord, the people in the bathroom knew who she was and said they knew where Hank (her husband) was and would take her to find him.  Anyway, she made me smile and we remained friends for the rest of the cruise.

We have one more week of Alaska, and then I am off to Central America.  Things are great here, and I am really enjoying my time!  I am sending you all love, hugs, and smiles and hoping you have a wonderful day!

the Diva :)