Sunday, February 10, 2013

China and Vietnam!

Hello all!! Sorry it has taken me so long to write-I have REALLY been enjoying my time here and trying to make use of the time I have in all of the ports which is why I haven't written a blog in so long.  But I think that's a good thing, right?  Nevertheless, I want to update everyone on what I've been doing!

Card Heaven!
So, where we last left off I was in Singapore about to start on the second voyage of the cruise ship.  Indonesia was great, but I was ready for something new.  I had an AWESOME day in Singapore!  Sadly, I spent most of the day at the mall (and that was why the day was AWESOME) but it was the first time I had been in a real city for 10 days so I felt justified in spending the whole day indoors.  The first store that I went in was my favourite because it had the most amazing selection of greeting cards!  However, Singapore is relatively expensive and apparently, greeting cards are a luxury item because they were around $5.00 each!  I DIDN'T BUY A SINGLE ONE!! I was so proud of myself.  We'll see if I can resist next time though...I also bought a few dresses and picked up a few souvenirs so that was great!  I also had amazing FREE wifi so that was a treat. :)

Our first stop in Vietnam was Ho Chi Min City.  It was crazy!! I thought I was going to get killed every time I tried to cross the street.  I tried to get pictures of the craziness but of course it is hard to capture it all on the camera!  I just walked around for a few hours, went to the market, people watched (my fave) but I had to be back on the ship relatively early so I didn't do much.  It was a big city which can be a little intimidating to try and figure things out.  I knew we would be coming back two more times so I wasn't too worried about it.

Typical driving attire in Vietnam

Not very much fun trying to cross the street...

Then, we were in Halong Bay, Vietnam.  I had the best day ever here because the market was SO GREAT!  I bought so much stuff and had the best time just walking around looking at everything.  I hate bartering with the storekeepers but I think I am getting pretty good at it.  I hung out with Julian who plays the trumpet in the orchestra.  He only bought one t-shirt but he was patient with me and waited for me to do all of my shopping before we went out for lunch (we ate Vietnamese food, of course!).  It was a very relaxing day of shopping, internet, and good company.  The funniest thing was that before I went out everyone was telling me "Annika it is really cold outside, you need to put on more clothes!" (I was wearing shorts and a tank top).  So, I changed into pants and a t-shirt and brought my rain jacket along just in case.   Julian and I stepped outside and it was REALLY HOT!  Well, "really hot" for us Canadians.  Everyone else was walking around in big puffy winter jackets, toques, and nobody was in bare legs that's for sure!  It was so funny though because we thought it was still really warm.  Anyway, it was a good day.
Julian and I ready to go

Gloves that I bought in the market

In terms of life on the ship, this cruise was great because I had the opportunity to do my own show with the orchestra!  I was so nervous about it, but it went fantastically well and was very well received by the audience!  A lot of the crew came to see it which I really appreciated and they really liked it so it was a really uplifting and encouraging experience for me.  I have been behind the piano doing cocktail sets for so long that I think I forgot what it felt like to be on stage in front of an audience again and, I must say, it was AH-MAHZING. I just had this euphoric feeling the whole time and was so grateful to be there.  I can't really describe it in words, but I was very very happy!  Below are a few pictures from the event...! This cruise was short, so before I knew it, we were disembarking and getting new guests on in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong has now become my favourite port because I had the best two days there.  The first day I hung out with Katrina, Julian, and Elissa (friends from the orchestra) and we went on a ferry, off the mainland to a different, smaller island.  We first saw the symbol of Hong Kong (equivalent to NYC's Statue of Liberty, I guess) and then we took the tube to a mall to eat somewhere and explore the central area of the island.  Our lunch was very enjoyable even though it was quite an experience trying to order.  We didn't get what we ordered, but it was definitely authentic Chinese food that I didn't understand.  Awesome.  The mall was pretty ritzy so we didn't stay there long and we had to get back early for boat drill, entertainment meeting etc. so it was a quick day, but a great day!  That  night, however, was the best night I have had in a LONNGG time!
Symbol of Hong Kong
Shopping Mall 
Ready to explore!
Hong Kong Light Show

Vending machine devoted to kleenex.  Very necessary.

Little snapshots of Hong Kong!

First, at the "welcome aboard show" I sang "Let's Get It On" at the piano which was really fun.  Of course, I was backstage at first dancing by myself (obviously) when this guy, Slava, who is one of the two ballroom dancers onboard starts dancing with me saying "You are so crazy!".  He is from Belarus,  has a thick Russian accent and. is. hilarious.  I met him at boat drill the day before and he has a crazy amount of energy.  Anyway, we became friends because apparently "we are both crazy".  He told me that a bunch of people were going out dancing that night and I should come.  So, after my last set of the night, I got changed into some comfortable dancing clothes.  Of course, everyone told me I would be way too cold.  I told them I would be fine and lo and behold, it was hot outside so I was happy I didn't change.

Now, when I say Slava and I ripped up the dance floor, it is an understatement.  We tore that club apart!  At first, nobody was dancing (this is usually discouraging to most people, but I always see it as a good thing because it means I have more room to dance).  Anyway, Slava is doing his ballroom/hip hop dancing (which is great) and I am going crazy as per usual.  Locals are recording us on their phone because they probably didn't understand what was happening.  Then, these two Asians came and danced with us for an entire hour.  They were just so fascinated by our dancing (and my hair) and would just imitate anything I would do.  I would put my hands up, they would do the same.  I would shake my head, they would do the same.  It was so great.  They also LOVED giving me high fives.  It was awesome.  We took some photos outside (it was a challenge because a homeless man kept trying to get in the picture and hug me) and kept dancing outside and singing all the way home.  It was such an amazing night!  Not only because I got to dance, but because I knew I had made a new friend.
Austin and I

Night out!
Dancing Partners (and homeless man who was coming a LITTLE too close...!)
Trying to do a diva pose as Slava tells the homeless guy (in Russian) to get out of the picture)

Dancing in the street.  Literally.
Slava, "Gerry" (I don't think that's his real name), and Austin
On the way home...

Slava and I hung out the next day in Hong Kong just walking around, doing some shopping, eating, and taking the city in!  I think you will be hearing about Slava quite often as he has quickly become my best friend on the ship, and I am so grateful for his presence here!

Panda Exhibit in the mall!

Crew Dance Party (all I say to the bartender is..."I will be dancing.  So...water please?" and I walk around the whole night with a giant bottle of water in my hand.  haha)

After Hong Kong, we were in Halong Bay again.  Slava and I just went to the market/did some internet with our friend, Wade.  We didn't have much time there, though, and it takes 3 hours to get into the city so we just enjoyed the day.
Slava and I
Then, we were in Hue Danang.  I was on port manning one day so I could only get off once.  I went on a shore excursion to a beach resort and it was absolutely fantastic!  I walked along the beach for 2 hours (and by "walked" I mean I danced in the waves and pretended to make a music video.  NBD) and enjoyed the pool, sun, and the wonderful fresh fruit I got to enjoy.

Doesn't Get Much Better Than This!

Loving Life

The downside was I got SO SUNBURNT!!  I guess I didn't realize how much sun I got until I had a shower and my face felt like it was on fire.  For the past two days, I have been applying Aloe Vera like crazy and finally today it has become less red.  I no longer look like a lobster which I am thankful for.  Tonight, I am doing my show with the orchestra for this new group of passengers.  My voice isn't at 100% but I am praying that everything will go well and the show will be a success again!  

View from the piano...Not bad at all!
I am having a wonderful time on this  contract.  I have finally found a community which has made the days go by much quicker and made things much more enjoyable.  Every night I am so thankful that this is my life.  Tonight is going to be another night of dancing because it's the Valentine's Day party.  I am loving life and hoping you are all doing well at home!

All my love to you from Vietnam!


  1. I could not stop laughing when I read about the homeless guy and then saw the pictures. This is your life, Annika. Hilarious that Slava was speaking Russian to the guy. Also, I want to be best friends with Slava.

    Go figure there was a Patagonia store (Zach probably started salivating when he saw that picture).

    Loved getting an update!

  2. Ingrid I don't even like Patagonia... ha. Great blog Annika! I'm glad you are having so much fun on this ship. Wish I could see your performance with the orchestra. Keep dancin yo face off!
