Friday, October 26, 2012

Adventures in kayaks, on beaches, and in Target

First, before I begin this blog, I'm going to provide you with the pictures from LAST post that never made it...First, we have COLOMBIA!

Successful Shopping Trip!
Book store in Cartegena.  Great wifi! :)

Next was Colon, PANAMA!!!

Panama Prison (For all you PrisonBreak fans out there...)

Gatun Lake

Kayaking Begins...!

My new friend and kayaking partner, Dave!


Our fearless leader telling us about the wildlife in Colon

We survived!

Seeing a ship pass through the canal


Very cool operation!

Well folks, I am currently in Cabo on my way back to Miami. We have started a new cruise (same itinerary, new guests), but I still haven’t updated you on all the ports we stopped at before we arrived in San Diego to do the change over.  I will start with Guatemala.

Guatemala Market
In Guatemala, we port at Puerto Quetzal where there is LITERALLY nothing to do.  You basically have to take an hour long drive on a shuttle to get to Antigua in order to do anything.  For the past few weeks, I have tried to get on an excursion that takes you to a volcano where you hike around, but apparently the rest of the crew realized that being a tour escort is awesome and the tour has always been booked.  I even tried to get on it THIS cruise, but had no luck!  I’m hoping fourth time’s the charm...Anyway, here I was in Puerto Quetzal with nothing to do besides look at a few shops so...I also try and find internet.  Now, finding internet in ports has become a bit of a fun game to me because I think almost every second port, a fellow crew member says “Oh, there’s no internet there.  Don’t even bother.”  Of course, this makes me even more determined to find internet.  For example, when I was in the Guatemala port, there was a place with wifi that was charging $5.00 for a half hour!  And this was to use your own laptop!  I laughed at them and began my search.  I was on the hunt for someone who I don’t know..wasn’t determined to completely take advantage of me?  And lo and behold, I found a cafe that had free wifi!  It was awesome and I was really excited about it.  I stayed there for most of the day (we were only in port for a few hours) and bought a few things.

The market was much nicer than the one in Costa Rica.  It still gets annoying when people are constantly telling you that you are beautiful hoping it will entice you  to buy something from them.  I don’t know who to trust anymore because according to every single local I am an “angel”.  All lies, I tell you!  No amount of fake compliments will get me to buy a fake leather change purse for $20.  My favourite moment was when I was in a little shop area looking at necklaces and touched something that was NOT jewellery.  Can you spot something in this picture that doesn’t belong there...?

THAT IS A CHILD!!Laying under that shelf!  There was LITERALLY a child sleeping ON the display...It scared the living daylights out of me.  I didn’t stay long before I went back into the port.  Hopefully I will find something to do next time we are there.

Our next stop was Puerto Vallarta.  The biggest attraction in Puerto Vallarta for crewmembers is the Wal-Mart.  Although my plans originally included a trip there to buy some products you can’t really find anywhere else in Central America, I decided to forgo my original plans and go to the beach with some friends!  We had planned to play football and I was very excited!  It was Dan, Alex, and Riley (acapella boys), Antonia and Frankie(dancers from the production shows), and myself.  It was so much fun!  It was definitely the best day I’ve had ashore.  I missed the Odegard Family Thanksgiving Football Game so this was a nice little activity for me.  It was a lot less competitive than the Odegard game (imagine that), but I tribute that to my self control.  There were a few moments where I could feel myself beginning to get competitive and I had to remind myself that, not only was this just a football game, but also I was meeting two of these girls for the first time and if I didn’t want to scare them off entirely, I should keep my competitive nature in check. 
Alex, Riley, and I before the game!

I couldn't resist.

Nothing like a  good photo collage!

Starbucks surprise from Alex!  SO STOKED.

After the game, we laid on the beach for awhile and walked around for a bit.  It was very hot, and though I thought the days of me holding cold drinks to my forehead in order to cool down were over, the photos don’t lie.

It was really nice to do something that wasn’t an organized tour and spend time off the ship with my friends.  One of the highlights of the day was that Alex went for “a walk” and came back with Starbucks!!! I was SO excited.  Don’t worry...I captured this moment.  Totally candid.  The part of Puerto Vallarta that we went to was actually really nice and I enjoyed looking at the stores.  I can’t believe I didn’t buy anything! I enjoyed the water (next time I need to get a boogie board!), the sun, the sand, everything!  I hope we can do something similar next time we are there.  It is probably my favourite port on this Panama Canal run. 

Then, finally, there was Cabo.  The day of the dolphins as I often referred to it as.  I finally got to go swimming with the dolphins, something I had always dreamed of doing!  There were six of us that went (all crewmembers).  Johnny (trombonist), Gabriella (waitress), Karen, Val, and Sylvia (facialists), and myself.  It was such a cool experience!  The dolphin that we hung out with was named Aqua and she was called the “Queen of the Pool” because she was the Mother and the largest dolphin there.  She was so cute and it was so much fun playing with her, seeing her tricks, and of course, getting dolphin kisses from her!  One of the girls was absolutely terrified the entire time (think Britt when she was 5 and a dog and/or clown would come within 10 feet of her).  She also couldn’t swim which made it difficult because she had a lifejacket on but couldn’t really kick, so she would just float away.  I spent a solid chunk of time swimming out to get her and LITERALLY drag her back by pulling on the lifejacket strap.  But she was a good sport and did everything she wanted to do so I was happy for her!  I WISH I could show you all these moments via photos but unfortunately, we weren’t allowed to bring our cameras in to the water.  We were told that there would be a photographer taking photos the whole time.  What we weren’t told was that it would cost us an arm and a leg to get any of the photos.  For a CD of photos, it cost $269!!!  I couldn’t believe it!  This was my conversation with the guy selling the photos:

Me: Hi, I was hoping to buy a few photos.  Can I see the price list?
Him: Yes Ma’am (still so weird when people call me that)
Me: Ok so...what are the prices in American dollars? (of course I assumed that they were in pesos because it would be absolutely INSANE otherwise!)
Him: It is in American Dollars, Ma’am
Me: Hahahah No, but seriously.  How much?

(Awkward Silence)

Me: Wait, this is actually how much it is?  $269 for a CD of DIGITAL photos?  (wrecks face in disgust and walks away)

So...that happened.  I THINK I may have figured out a way to get the photos, but of course, those will be on the next post because apparently that's how things work now.  

Eric and I at Starbucks :)
Finally, the passengers disembarked in San Diego.  I had the most wonderful day with Alex, Riley, and Eric (who was from the former acapella group).  We went to Target (AWESOME), and Ross (AWESOME). and Starbucks (AWESOME)!!! AKA we did everything we haven't been able to do in two weeks.  I did well and controlled myself (as much as anyone can in Target).  Of course, I spent a fair amount of time in the card section but refrained from buying the whole store!!  

Successful Target Shopping Trip! (And only ONE bag...can you believe it??)

Cards, Cards, Cards

So excited just to BE in a Target again!
And that was that!  Right now, we are in Puerto Vallarta on our way back to Miami...! I will leave you with a picture that I took on the way here.  It's me and a pirate.  No story, no point.  But due to the lack of pictures in the last post, I figured it's ok to go a bit overboard this time!

Sending love to you alll!!!!!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Adventures without pictures....but adventures nonetheless!

Hello all!
Firstly, I apologize for not having any pictures on this blog post.  The Internet connection here is quite spotty and instead of putting it off until the next port, I figured I would just post the pictures layer.  I am writing today from Costa Rica and apparently I am getting used to it because I am not sweating like a pig which was the case last week!  Yes, that's right folks-I no longer have to hold cold drinks to my forehead in order to keep cool.  People that I hang out with here are really sad about that because I looked really cool doing it...NAT.
Ok so right now I am on the ship and we are making our way back from Ft. Lauderdale to San Diego.  This is essentially the same cruise as before except we have two new ports: Colon, Panama and Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala.  We haven't reached Guatemala yet, but I did get to experience the Panama Canal from a different perspective a few days ago (but more on that later).  First, I will talk about my SUCCESSFUL shopping trip that took place in Cartegena, Colombia.

If you read the last blog post (which of course, I'm assuming you all did), you may remember me talking about a dress that I bought that I instantly regretted.  Well, I can now announce that the dress has been returned and exchanged for a new one!  HUZZAH.  It took awhile to find the little shop, but after about 30 minutes of wandering around Old Town, Alex and I found the place!  I was so happy that Alex happened to video tape me after my purchase.  Totally candid.

After our dress adventure (which, I must say, Alex was a great sport to go with me), we found a little book store, did some internet stuff, and enjoyed a coffee and a piece of banana bread.  I have never actually eaten a full meal off the ship because I am too cheap.  I would rather walk all the way back to the ship and eat for free than buy a meal that I could get for free otherwise.  So, the banana bread was a bit of a splurge, but I was desperate because I hadn't eaten at all that day.  We did a bit more wandering afterwards but called it quits pretty early.  It was boiling hot for most of the afternoon and then it started pouring rain!! Before the rain hit, however, we had a chance to encounter some parrots.  For those of you who don't know, I hate birds.  Not as much as my sister, Kristen, but I dislike them A LOT.  But these were parrots!  In Central America!  So I thought I should make an exception and try to get some pictures with them.  Alex kept telling me to go have a seat next to one which I thought would be easy enough but I was too scared.  So, he sat down and showed me that there was nothing to be afraid of.  As soon as I felt confident enough to conquer my fear (and hatred) of birds, I walked over and they started squawking at me which of course terrified me! I ran away a few times and couldn't actually bring myself to sit down next to them.  Fortunately, Alex was able to capture the entire thing because he was taking photos of me every second. You will see that picture in a later post...

We beat most of the rain so that was good, but it is definitely rainy season here in Central America and I always have my rain jacket packed along with me, even on the sunniest of days!  The day after Cartegena we were in our next port, Colon.  I had booked a tour for this city because it is not really safe to go beyond the terminal.  My tour was awesome!  I went kayaking in Gatun Lake which provides fresh water for the Panama Canal locks.  For those of you who do not know about the Panama Canal and how it operates, I will give you a brief overview.

The Panama Canal is a route that joins the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.  The first effort to build an all-water route through Panama began in 1880.  Without the Panama Canal, ships would have to go
all the way around South America to reach their destination which obviously cost them a lot of time and money.  The Canal is an 80 km waterway that officially opened in 1914 and has transited over 1 million ships since then.  The waterway uses a system of locks with two lanes (going in opposite directions) that operates as water elevators and raises the ships from sea level to the level of Gatun Lake (26 meters above sea level) to allow the crossing through the Continental Divide, and then lowers the ships to sea level on the other side of the Isthmus.  The most interesting thing about the locks is that the water used to raise and lower the vessels is obtained from Gatun Lake simply by 
gravity  and poured into the locks through a culvert system that extends under the locks chambers.

Our ship was going through the locks the following day, so it was very interesting to see the locks from a different perspective on the tour.  First, however, we went kayaking on the infamous Gatun Lake!  There were about thirty of us and the kayaks were built for two people each.  I had the option to go by myself, but there was this man David who asked me to be his partner and he was AWESOME.  Well, actually, it was kind of funny because our guide would take us to various parts of the lake and everyone would come to a stop except for us.  David would keep paddling while I just sat there and we kept hitting other people's boats and it was just hilarious.  I think I said "sorry" a thousand times in one hour. The guide was very good, however, and I learned a lot about Panama, the animals that inhabit the forest surrounding Gatun Lake and some interesting acts about the area in general.  For example...there was a season of Survivor that was filmed on Gatun Lake so that was pretty cool.  I think it was Season 3 if I can remember correctly..?  Anyway, the coolest thing I saw was the wildlife.  AKA Monkeys!!  It was hard to get a really good picture of them, but I tried my best!
We also saw a sloth...!  It was basically impossible to get a good picture of it (there were still people who couldn't see it after 30 mintues of staring at the same tree), but again...I tried my best!

My favourite moment of the tour was with David when he asked me to video tape him.  I think I screamed a bit and then said OF COURSE!!! He had a video flip.  We were meant to be kayaking partners.  I asked him if he wanted to sing a song, maybe do a few dance moves but he declined.  He was, however, impressed by my interviewing skills.  I think he was expecting me to just turn on the camera and videotape him kayaking but instead I asked him a bunch of questions and he just started laughing because he was so embarrassed.  It was great.  Everyone was looking at us and didn't understand what was going on.  We became good friends.  I even got a few photos of us together!

After the kayak adventure, we went on a tour of the locks.  I was able to see a ship go through and it
was pretty cool.  I took a video but I am not sure if it will upload right now, but it was really interesting to see how the whole system worked.  After the tour was over, I went to the grocery store and bought some goldfish.  The snack, not the pet.  It was the first supermarket that I had seen in a long time and it's so funny because crew members are just buying a TON of stuff.  Cookies, kool-aid, chips etc.  Everything that we can't really get on board.  I limited myself to the goldfish, not only because I'm cheap but because I know if I bought a ton of junk food "to last me a few weeks", I 
would eat it all that very night.  SO, after my shopping adventure I just got back on the ship and had a little nap before my sets that night.  It was a tiring day, but it was really nice.  And we didn't get rained on so that was  bonus!

Since Panama, we have had two sea days and I have just discovered an area on the ship where crew members are allowed to go and relax in the sun!  So, I have been getting a bit darker (at least that's what people tell me when I keep asking them "Am I darker?? Do I look darker to you?  I went out in
the sun today and I think I look darker, do you think so?") which has been really great.  I have also spent a lot of time thinking about my next project which has been organizing a church service for passengers on board...

On this cruise, we have two sea days that happen to fall on Sundays and a lot of passengers ask if there is a church service they can go to.  At the moment, there is nothing set in place and passengers have had to arrange everything by themselves.  I go to the services simply as a participant, but of course, my inability to embrace the lack of organization has made it impossible to NOT step in and help.  Just imagine 150 people singing acapella in 5 different keys at a tempo that is so slow, you think we'll reach our next port before the hymn comes to an end.  So, now I am hoping to plan a service that will be in place each week so that passengers don't need to lead everything themselves.  There is usually a pastor on board that is willing to preach and administer communion, so my job would be to arrange for a piano player (me), select the hymns (which is probably my favourite thing to do ever...I'm not joking), and meet with the pastors to discuss any particular things they want to do at a service (I feel like this sounds oddly familiar to a job that I had this past summer...YAY!).  Anyway, we will see how it goes.  I don't think I'll have these 70 yr. olds moshing for Jesus anytime soon, but I htink I can put together a nice service that is enjoyable for everyone.  I will keep you posted! Literally.  HA That joke never gets old.

Ok, well I have spent WAY too much time on the internet today.  I guess I should get some sunshine before it starts to rain (because it will.  It always does.) and I will write more in a few days!  Hope you all are doing well!


Monday, October 8, 2012

Panama Canal Cruise...Colombia!

Well folks, I have finished my first Panama Canal cruise and am enjoying my time in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  I haven’t been here in a few years and it is good to be back!  I don’t have much time in town today because I am playing “embarkation music” which basically means that I have to be on the ship before all the guests get on and play the piano to create an “ambiance”.  I'm hoping to use it as an opportunity to sight read some new music because there won’t be ANYONE listening since they are all busy running around the ship discovering everything, getting lost and of course, most guests hit the buffet as soon as they get on board.  Since I last wrote, I have only been to one port and that was Cartegena, Colombia.

Kathy trying to "hide" behind me so the camera wouldn't see her fully body.  Silly lady.
Before I talk about Columbia, I wanted to tell you about some of my favourite people on the ship this cruise.  There are definitely pros and cons to the 17 night cruises.  The downside is that I have to really stretch my repertoire and make it last for 17 days which, when doing 3 sets a day can be somewhat challenging.  We also have a lot of sea days which can get exhausting because they are busier for us musicians than port days, and it can just get frustrating being on a boat for days at a time.  However, I think I have adjusted rather well and don’t mind being on the sea at all.  Especially, now that it is hot and I can read my book outside in the sunshine!  Anyway, the greatest thing about these longer cruises is that you get some time to get to know some of the guests really well.  I had a few favourites these past two weeks and I am so sad they have left!
A guy named "Guy" who came to most of my sets!
There were many people that I grew to love.   There were these two old men from Florida that were best friends and came to watch me play every day and Danny (one of them) would sing along to all the songs and tell me lots of stories about living in New York City as a stockbroker and all the adventures he had.  For example, one night a LONG time ago he sang at a nightclub around a piano with Liza Minelli.  He just casually mentioned that like it wasn’t a big was.  So they were great.  Then, there was Kathy and Tim.  I would have to say they are the biggest fans I’ve had on the ship thus far.  They saw me perform one night and then immediately after the show, they came up to me and said “We are going to follow you this entire cruise!!” and that they did!  I was so glad that they liked the music so much.  They came to every single set, I think.  It was so funny because Kathy kept saying “We aren’t stalking you, I promise!  Well...actually, I guess we are a bit”.  They are from Florida and aren't really into cruising so they weren’t super involved with all the activities that the ship provides (hence, why they were able to attend every set).  They took me out to lunch which was so sweet and then even took me to the speciality restaurant on board!  This place was super fancy and I was so happy they wanted to get to know me because we had a lot of fun becoming friends.  They also were great because they just LOVED when I would tell stories at my sets.  Stories about my family, ex-boyfriends, former teachers, my adventures in Montana etc.  At the end of the cruise, they said “I think we know your family better than we know YOU!”.  I like to talk about my family a lot...Anyway, they were great but now they are gone and it is time for the next set of passengers to get on!  Before we get to that, however, I should tell you about my time in Cartegena! 

The activity on the agenda for my day in Colombia was a horse drawn carriage ride through the city’s old town.  Unlike my previous tours, this one had about 50 people on it so I didn’t get to know any of the passengers very well but that was ok because I was trying not to lose my voice, and generally, if someone talks to me, I end up talking (usually very loudly) for a few hours.  Anyway, we started on a bus with a tour guide named “Lee” who was great.  We saw an old fort (sorry I can’t remember what it’s called right now which is probably really embarrassing) and learned about Cartegena’s history.  I got out and took a few pictures, but it is really annoying because there are constantly locals coming up to you trying to get you to buy ANYTHING they think they can sell.  Coffee, little leather purses, paintings, fans, water, jewellery (made of plastic) and everything else under the sun.  It gets really annoying because they actually follow you (don’t worry Mum, I wasn’t walking into any dark alleys).  So, I took a few pictures and then got back on the bus.

Outside the fort.

Before I knew it, we were in our horse drawn carriages!  It was really fun going through the Old Town and learning more about the city, specifically its signature colonial architecture that is required of all restored buildings and new additions to the city centre.  I had a scary interaction with a mime at one point when a street performer jumped on me while I was on the carriage.  Of course I made the sound that all of us Odegard women make when something is scary (think Mum when anyone is driving and she thinks that we are about to hit something).  After gathering my wits, I took a picture of him with another person on the carriage.  And then he charged me a dollar!  Of course, I was not happy about it, but have you ever tried arguing with a mime?  It is more difficult than you would think!  

Crazy mime

Old Town

Convent/Cathedral..? Sorry it was hard to understand what the guide was saying

After the carriage ride was done, we had 20 minutes to have a look around.  Of course, I went shopping and I’m already experiencing buyer’s remorse.  I spent way too much money on a dress.  If you can even call it a dress.  It’s too long to be a blouse, but to short to be a dress making it very frustrating to wear.  I’m all about rocking the short dresses, but this is one of those garments that, if worn in front of my parents, my Dad would say “Umm...where are your pants?” and, although he says this nearly every time I wear something relatively trendy, I would probably have to respond with “yeah...I should probably go put some pants on.”  So yes, it is too short and now I have to go through the process of trying to return it in a few days when I am back there.  Again, this is why I should never go into stores.  Especially when I have been deprived of good shopping for so long!  I’ll keep you posted on how the dress returning quest goes..

My little story for this post is something that is not exciting for most people, but exciting for me.  Last night I won the "RALF" award for the entertainment department which again, is not really a big deal, but I was really excited.  Basically, the entertainment department gives away this award every cruise to someone who embodies the different attributes of "RALF".
R-Respect others...? I'm actually not sure if that is what it actually stands for...My bad.
A-Arrive on time
L-Look good
F-Have fun!
Whoever is presented the award has to choose the person for the following week and I was chosen this week by Danielle, the stage manger (who I loved immediately because she is from Montana).  I was not expecting it at all because I feel like nobody in the entertainment department even knows who I am so I was totally shocked!  Of course, the first thing I did when I got back to my room was take a selfie.  

...You can tell I'm pretty excited.  Anyway, it was a good cruise!  I am a bit exhausted and hoping that I will get a day off soon, but until then I'm just going to keep my little fingers moving on those keys!  (The piano keys, not the keyboard keys...though I do spend a lot of time typing while writing this blog.  LAWLZ).  Happy Belated Canadian Thanksgiving to all my family and friends back at home!  I saw pictures today of the festivities and was sad I couldn't be there!  I miss you all and send you love from Florida!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Horses, Tropical Storms, and Lots of Adventure!

Greetings all from Central America!  I am currently in Costa Rica and though I had planned on a hike in the rainforest, things fell through and now here I am in Puntarenas writing to all of you instead!  I have lots of ground to cover in today’s blog.  San Francisco, Cabo, Puerto Vallarta...not to mention two tropical storms, a zip lining adventure, and horseback riding on the beach.  (I basically just gave a summary of everything I did this past week so hopefully you still feel it necessary to read the rest of the blog).

Let’s start with San Francisco!  Or..”San Fran” as the locals say.  I was there for two days, so I’m basically a resident by now.  The first day I was in the city was a little chilly, but very enjoyable!  The first thing I did when I got off the ship was make a bee line from Alcatraz.  I am obsessed with prison shows, prison movies, prison documentaries and...well, prisons in  general so Alcatraz was something that I had been looking forward to since I found out I would be going to San Francisco.  However, when I got there, the sign said that all tours were sold out until Tuesday.  Tuesday! Of course, I arrived on Sunday and would be leaving on Monday so I was majorly disappointed.  However, I didn’t waste much time with a pity party because before I knew it I was on a hop on/hop off bus tour!  Yes, I did the MOST touristy thing I could do, and it was the best decision I ever made.  I used it like a taxi and got off at Union Square knowing that I could use the ticket the following day to do the whole tour because it was a 24 hour ticket (awesome sauce, I know).  Union square was cool to walk around, but I quickly found myself in Macy’s.  I am happy to report that I did not buy a single item!  I tried to find a Starbucks to get on the internet, but I had no such luck.  Instead, I decided to walk back to the pier (which turned out to be a TAD further than I originally predicted) and find a cafe along the way. 

Union Square

A view of the bridge before we went across!

City skyline

A store entirely devoted to cards.  My dream!

Sure enough, I found myself in a little hole in the wall cafe that was filled with the scent of incense and loud Arabian music.  I didn’t stay too long because it was getting dark and San Francisco has some pretty sketchy areas, I’m not going to lie.  I ended up walking for about 3 hours that day.  My feet hurt like crazy but it felt so good!  I felt like I got a little taste of the city and felt confident that I would be ready to go the next morning.  Sure enough, I was up at the crack of dawn and on top of a giant bus.  I spent two hours seeing the city and learning about the history of San Francisco, famous landmarks INCLUDING the Golden Gate Bridge (which always makes me think of Full House) which was super awesome.  I seemed to be the only person from the entire cruise ship who was interested in doing the tour because I spent most of the tour being the only customer.  I took advantage of the privacy and took some selfies on my iPad.  Love it.  

The closest I got to Alcatraz!

Loving the Golden Gate Bridge!  And also having a laugh about how awesome life is.  Obvi...

On my way into Cabo
After San Francisco, we had three sea days (which means busy days for me as a performer) and then we arrived in Cabo San Lucas!  Now, when people say “Cabo!” I usually think of white sand beaches, margaritas, and endless days in the sun.  Unfortunately, that was not the Cabo I experienced.  However, my time in Cabo San Lucas was still unforgettable!  I escorted my first shore excursion in Cabo.  This essentially means that I get to go on the organized tours for free as long as I wear a pin that says “shore escort”.  I went on the “Pacific Horseback Riding Adventure” and I had an amazing time!  One thing I love about going on the shore excursions is I get a chance to introduce myself to some guests and spend some time with them.  There were only six of us on the tour.  It was myself, Dan, and then two couples.  Everyone was retired or close to retirement which mean it was my perfect demographic for conversation.  I especially bonded with Dan because he was Lutheran and...well, we talked about how awesome it is being a Lutheran so that was fun.  It was raining a bit before we got to the horses, but it quickly cleared up and we had beautiful weather during the ride!
Our guide was Jose, and he led us on a two hour trail beginning in the desert/mountain range and then eventually to the white sand beaches I had heard about.  The trip was especially nice because it offered some time of peace and quiet away from everything.  I really like talking to people (which I’m sure is obvious), but I also can really appreciate some time to myself which I definitely had while sitting on a horse for two hours.

Classic selfie on a horse.

Our fearless Jose leading the way!

The beautiful white sand beach!

Enjoying the ride.  Also notice my awesome pin that I get to wear.

I know it looks like I'm riding a donkey or a miniature horse, but it was actually a full size horse, the guy taking the picture was just on a BIGGER horse.  Perhaps that explanation was unnecessary.  Embrace.

Me and my horse, Papaya!

Jose and I after the ride!

Enjoying some snacks on the patio afterward!

So glad I got to get away from the centre of town and experience THIS side of Cabo!

The ride back on the bus was interesting because it started raining cats and dogs.  The roads were washed out, cars were stuck in the middle of the street, and I’m pretty sure our bus broke down three times...When we finally got back to the centre of the city it was still raining really hard, but I found shelter at a cafe.  I checked my e-mail and then made my way to the tender boats which would take us on a 15 min. ride to the ship.  However, the rain and wind became so crazy that the water was too rough for the tender boats, so I stood in the rain getting completely soaked for 45 minutes!  I found out later that it was actually a tropical storm and I’m glad I didn’t know that at the time because I would’ve probably thought that I was going to die.  By the time I got back, I was completely soaked.  I had a nice LONG shower and was thankful for my adventurous day!  I thought I experienced all the surprises I could handle...and then I went to Puerto Vallarta. J

This was just a sign that I thought was funny outside of a parrot cage
As soon as the ship arrived in Puerto Vallarta, I was off and met the nine people I would be sharing the day with!  I have to tell you about them because they are awesome.  First, there was Dan and Chris, newlyweds from Washington.  Of course, as soon as I found out they were newlyweds I asked them a million questions about their love story and AS predicted, it was adorable.  Making them adorable. Then, there were three retired couples.  Mike and Louise from Florida, Rusty and Jonanna from Florida (? I’m not sure where they are from actually, but i feel like 50% of the passengers onboard are from Florida), and then Karen and Bruce.  Finally, there was a woman named Carol from Seattle who was traveling with her friend.  Funnily enough, I met her friend the day before randomly so that was fun to find out. 

Anyway, we were all excited to go zip lining, but before we got to actually GO zip lining, we had to get to “base camp” which was about an hour away.  Did we get in a bus? No. Did we get in vans? No.  A boat? Ah! You would think.  But NO we all boarded an open air jeep like vehicle that held all ten of us.  It made for quite the exciting/interesting ride because we could see everything around us which was awesome, and it also didn’t take well to potholes and bumps in the road.  Note: there are a lot of bumps and potholes in Mexico.  The great thing about going on excursions is that often they have to take you out of the city, so you get to go beyond all the tourist stuff and actually see where the locals live, what they do etc.  We were able to see a lot of different parts of the city and I was able to capture some of it on film. Side note: Mexican drivers are the craziest drivers I have ever seen in my life!  I probably thought I was going to die 10 times.  I don't think "patient" would be the word to describe our fellow travellers on the road...

On our way!

I must also say that the ride was great because I got to know all of my fellow passengers who were all so great.  Once we got to base camp, we all got geared up and took a few photos.  Mike and Louise said that they would be my pretend parents for the day which was awesome because I didn’t look like a loner in the first picture that was taken.  I should also mention that not only was I doing this tour with the 9 other people from the ship, but there were also 6 guides that were up there with us that were hilarious and so much fun!  They kept calling everyone “mama” or”baby” which was also hilarious.  They even started calling me “wonder woman” because they thought I was really fast at all the elements.  However, I didn’t allow myself to get a big head because I was being compared to people in their 60s.  It was really funny though. They also kept asking me to sing because the passengers told them I was the singer/piano player on board.  One guy wouldn’t even let me go on the zip line until I serenaded him!  Of course, I obliged.  It didn’t take much arm twisting because...I’m Annika Odegard and will sing at any possible opportunity.  My favourite guide was probably Pedro who was taking photos.  He kept on telling the other guides that they couldn’t clip me in or help me because “we were together”.  “No, do not touch her.  She is with me.” he kept saying and it was so hilarious.  Of course, I was glad that the guy who liked me the most was the photographer because he was constantly capturing everything I did.  Thank you Pedro!

Anyway, I won’t go on and on about the adventure and instead, let the pictures do the talking for me.  I will mention that the course was a combination of zip lining, high ropes elements (the wobbly woozy was a feature for all you camp people reading), and then to repels.  The whole thing was so awesome and I was so happy I did it!
Louise, Myself, and Mike

The whole group with our guides!

The first zip line!

Starting to have fun with the didn't take long.  

First Repel

Climbing Up the Giant Ladder

Almost to the top!

"Pedro, next time you take a picture I am going to pretend that you said something REALLY funny ok?"

Backwards Line

Naza and Me!

Final Repel!

"Pedro I need a diva pose picture!!!"

After we conquered the course, we had some time to grab a snack (I got a homemade quesadilla for $2.00 which was sa-wheeet!) and then it was back on the “vehicle” to get us back to the ship.  It was sprinkling a little bit the whole day but when we got in the jeep it started to pour.  And it kept pouring and pouring and pouring for the rest of our time outside.  It basically turned into what looked like a flash flood.  Kids were walking home from school completely drenched without shoes on.  Cars were getting stuck in the road.  Our driver was having his own set of issues with the vehicle and everyone in the back was just laughing as we all bumped around and continued to get soaked.  We were scared we weren’t going to make it back to the ship!  But we did.  We were all completely drenched, cold, and dirty but we were back.  I had the hottest, longest, shower I’ve ever had in my life that night and as I was enjoying the warmth, I thanked God for the opportunities He has given me here.  I have been able to see so much, experience it with new people that I would’ve never met otherwise, and do things I never dreamed of doing!  This whole “seeing the world” thing has turned out to be a really great perk to this job.  I have more to tell you because there are people on this ship that I love and would love to tell you about, but I will save that for my next post.  I think three cities is enough for you all to read.  If you even made it to this point. J

Sending love, hugs, and smiles to all of you back at home!  Although I am enjoying my adventures here, I still think of you all often and pray that you are all doing well!

P.S It is hotter here than anywhere else I have ever been.  Here's a little photo to let you imagine how hot I am right now.  If you can't tell, I am using my frappe to cool myself.  Smart thinking, I know.  I have many funny stories to share but unfortunately there is not enough time to write it all!  More stories next time, I promise! Bye for now!