Tuesday, September 24, 2013

An entire contract shoved into a New York Minute!

A quick 4 month update!  WHAT.

Ok, so you are all probably thinking that my ability to sustain a blog and have a healthy “online presence” is non-existent.  The fact that I am now writing about a cruise ship contract that began 5 months ago is embarrassing, I know.  I promise, I AM trying, but it gets difficult to update everyone at home when things get busy on a contract.  When I tell this to my Mum, she points out that I only work 4 hours a day and have at least an hour long nap every day.  I should have time to update my blog.  I know, I know, I’ve heard it all before!  Anyway, for my own personal record (and for all the people my Mum forwards my updates to via e-mail...), I must document (though briefly) some of the big moments of the last four months spent (mostly) in Bermuda/NYC.

My contract began in Bremerhaven, Germany.  “The Breakaway” was still being built when I arrived, and thus, I did absolutely NOTHING for 2 weeks other than get to know fellow musicians and explore the small (but quaint) town of Bremerhaven.  I became very close with musicians from “The Manhattan Band”, Seth and Dan, and the three of us spent a lot of time together.  Ok, we spent ALL of our time together.  If we weren’t working out, we were listening to music, eating, exploring the city together, or (quite regularly),  I was falling asleep while they talked about the intricacies  of jazz music that I did not understand.  This happened a lot.  Both of them were very talented jazz musicians and I learned a lot about that style of music because of their knowledge and passion for the genre. Throughout the contract, the three of us grew apart and became closer with other people, but the first chunk of my contract was enjoyable because of the friendship I had established so quickly and easily with the two of them.

Seth, myself, CEO OF NCL, Dan

First taste of "live jazz"for me

Time flew by and before I knew it, we were doing cruises with passengers!  Having just come from Azamara, with 600 passengers, 4,500 passengers was a bit overwhelming for me.  However, I embraced the guests (though sometimes crazy) and enjoyed playing in “Shakers”, the martini bar, six nights a week, 8:30PM-12:30 AM.  I enjoyed Rotterdam and Southampton (when I met up with a friend from my first ship, the Celebrity “Infinity”) before we crossed the Atlantic!  This is around the time that I met the cast of “Second City”, a comedy improv group that would become my family for the following 3 months.  Due to various injuries, the cast changed sporadically as people left, returned from home after “convalescing”, or were replaced because their injury affected their ability to perform.  They would perform roughly 12 times a week, and I would be there, at least once a day, laughing my head off or, more often than not, chatting with the best sound/lighting tech on the seven seas, “Dennis Cacdac”.  I now joke that I’m an honorary member of “Second City”.  I’m not.  But I certainly loved being entertained by the cast members both on and off the stage.  I now know what a “bit” is, because each meal would consists of cast members just doing bits with each other and me, thinking they were serious (at first, after a month I caught on to how comedians communicate with each other) sitting, wide eyed, watching and observing.  Needless to say, they all brought so much joy to my life. 

How cute are they??

My fave, Dennis!

Cody and Dennis (BFF)

Out for a day at the beach!

In the sound booth pretending like I do something important.

I wasn't even at this dinner...

After tocking out some Macy Gray
Out of the entire cast, I was closest with Jaime and Cody.  Jaime at first because she was my neighbour and often knocked on my door at 3:00 in the morning for some “girl time”.  At first, she just made me laugh like nobody else.  My abs would always hurt after hanging out with her because she is just so stinkin’ funny (check out “Fat Catz” on youtube to see her in action...).  However, she became a true friend that I could talk to about anything and was always there when I needed her throughout the contract.  When you’re on a cruise ship for four months, your fellow crew members really do become your family and she filled the role of “big sister” during that time. 

Also our Mom's are friends now so...that's wonderful.

A New York City Sunday...

Cody and I first bonded because of our love for country music.  Sadly, although I am surrounded by musicians on a ship, most of them do not have the love for the country music genre like me...and a New Mexican guy raised on the rodeo circuit.  Anyway, his love for Brad Paisley, Kenny Chesney, and Paul Brandt (Yup, he actually knew who Paul Brandt was...) in combination with his ability to do magic tricks made him quite a fun guy to be around!  Of course magic tricks led to conversation and I found a great friend in him (as well as someone who actually liked talking about business/investment strategies with  me-go figure!).  Meeting people from all over the world is great.  You often learn about different cultures and different lifestyles.  However, sometimes the best treat is to discover someone that you have a lot in common with from the very beginning.  I consider Cody and I kindred spirits.  I have never connected with someone so quickly and so easily in my life!  He was also hilarious so...in short I feel very blessed to have met him.

Before he had to go home due to his shoulder injury! :(

One of the things I loved about the Breakaway was the support that all the entertainers had for one another.  My lounge would often be filled with the cast of “Rock of Ages” (the production show on board), “Second City”, and “Burn the Floor” (ballroom dance show onboard).  Often times, performers would get up and sing with me.  Solos, duets, trios-we did it all!  Along with accompanying other people, I loved it when my friend, Tyrus would come and play piano and I would sing.  Tyrus was also one of my closest friends on the ship.  He is a very talented organist/pianist from Nashville, TN and played in Slam Allen’s blues band.  Not only did he inspire me as a musician, but again, we had a lot in common and were buddies.  Anytime I needed someone to eat with, work out with, listen to music with, he was the guy.  And..if he needed someone to put his eye drops in-I was there!  (Yes that did actually happen...) He always showed me kindness and always made me laugh without meaning to.  We had some great times playing/singing in Shaker’s everything from mo-town to classic gospel music.  I’m excited to some recording with him in Nashville at the end of October!

Jammin' out

And..the daily eye drop duty (on my break in a public lounge. What.)

I had my sisters, mother, and two friends-Tenaj and Jake visit me while I was on the ship.  Nothing is as good as having people from home come and visit you when you work on a ship.  Nothing.  I cannot begin to describe the awesome time I had with my friends/family, but it was a joy sharing my life onboard and my new friends with them.  I am so thankful that they took the time and spent the money to come see me-it always means a lot and I will treasure the memories we made during their time on board (I mean, we’ve always got the videos to look back on...).  Here are some quick pictures (just a few out of the THOUSAND that we took) to show you some of the highlights of our time together.

First, we had Jake, Tenaj, Mumsie, and Britt:

Myself, Mumsie, and Britt

Catch my Leg

"Hold my fat"..this is why I love these guys.

Out for the night at the Cirque show!  

Sushi date!

Then...the rest of the "Odegard Girls" came, Ingrid and Kristen:

Kristen and Ingrid-such cuties!

Apparently when Odegards take pictures we have to have the hand on hip...

Legit candid since Ingrid can't take a picture tos ave her life, it seems.

At first I was gung ho to see everything I could in Bermuda.  We were there three days a week, and in NYC for a few hours each Sunday.  After a few times to Bermuda, however, I felt like I had seen most of it!  In total, I went fifteen times and though it was beautiful, I found myself staying on the ship many days rather than getting off.  I did, however, see a lot of different beaches and spent quite a bit of time in the city of Hamilton and St. George.  It was a very clean island filled with very friendly people. The nice thing about going to Bermuda 15 times was that by the end of it, the locals knew who I was (and often had an iced chai tea latte ready for me at any cafe I went into since they knew it was my go-to drink).  It really is a beautiful island and I am so happy I got to explore it!

Harbour Nights in Hamilton!
I spent a lot of time laying around..

Beach buddies

Towards the end of my contract, I spent a lot of time writing music while I had access to the piano since everyone was off the ship.  I had a great time, especially, with Rory (singer/dancer from Rock of Ages) collaborating and writing together.  Rory was someone I didn’t know all that well for half of my contract.  Then he met my mother, who of course told him my entire life story, and then he felt like we were already friends by the time she left! Haha Really, though, from the beginning, Rory would always listen to my music even when there was nobody in the lounge.  He'd just drink his wine and listen quietly which I always appreciated. I am thankful that we were able to establish a solid friendship before I left.  Not only was he a great, great friend to me, but he was also so much fun to sing/write with!


I should also mention some of my favourite guests onboard!  I usually spent my break time entertaining kids under the age of 10.  I don’t know if it’s the camp counselor in me, the fact that I often carried markers/paper around with me, or my large repertoire of Taylor Swift songs, but I often became friends with a lot of lil’ cuties.  I was always sad to see them go at the end of the week, but luckily, with e-mail, I still keep in touch with a lot of them!  Whether they were dancing while I played, turning pages for me, or simply sitting on the bench beside me as I sang, they brought so much joy to my life.
My "Long Island" girls.  Loved them and their accents. 

My girlies, Evelyn and Georgina!

We danced a lot

These cuties would sit by my piano for HOURS each night!
There were so many people that made my time on NCL a blast.  I have not been on a ship where I got to have so many people that were eager to sing with me/support me.  Thank you to all my Rock of Ages singers: Rory, Sam, Tom, Mike, Travis.  You made the sets go by way faster and although some of our duet moments were questionable,they were the times that made me smile the most!  And of course, thank you to my Second City Singers- Jaime, Cody, and Shawn.  It was such a joy getting to share the stage with you, if only for a few minutes every week!  Although they didn't sing, the "Burn the Floor" cast also were often in my lounge cheering me on and supporting me which I am so thankful for!  Also a special thank you to my bar staff.  You made me smile SO much and were so kind to me.  I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!

My buddy, Sam!

My Burn The Floor girl, kallyann!

Mr. Mikey!

The best bar staff in the world!!

After four and a half months onboard, I was ready to go home.  It was my longest contract and by the end of it,  I was itching to get home.  However, I had a week long adventure planned in New York with my friend from Montana (we worked at FLBC together), my friend Troy (currently living in Toronto) and finishing with a concert at the Metropolitan Room (by ME!).  I’m going to let the pictures do the talking.  (Troy and I like to take a lot of pictures if you didn’t know..).  Overall, I had a great time staying with Kelsey in Brooklyn and going to comedy festivals, shopping at Target, watching the “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” and hanging out with her boyfriend, Julian.  The three of us had some wonderful times together and I am so thankful for their hospitality!

Enjoying a "spot o' tea" at the cutest tea house with Kelsey!

Brooklyn Comedy Festival

Had to get some card shopping in, of course.

I was also very excited to get to meet up with my friend, Eric!  He worked with me on the Celebrity "Infinity" as part of the acapella group.  He has been a great friend to meet up with in Seattle and now, New York City!  It was great swapping stories about the last year over coffee.  He was also able to join us one night at the Brooklyn Comedy Festival and a night of karaoke!  So great to see you again, Eric!

When Troy came to New York City, it wasn’t long until we were treating Times Square like a runway and spending a great deal of time picking out our outfits for various events.  Along with taking some photos for my upcoming EP album, we went to see two shows (“First Date” starring Zachary Levi and “Newsies”), went out for lots of dinners, and talked A LOT.  Oh and we also were singing (in harmony 90% of the time).  For some reason, when I looked for photos of our trip, I realized that I didn't have many (because Troy's iphone captured all of our moments together).  But, all in all, we had a wonderful time together and it was so much fun seeing a friend that means so much to me but doesn't live CLOSE ENOUGH to me!  I am so grategul for the time we had to laugh and sing together.  And plan what life will be like someday when we are both famous.  What? You are so much more than my personal photographer, Troy Boy!  ;)

And it begins...

Famous friends.  NBD.

HAHAHA Candid good times with Zachary.

As I mentioned, the big event of the whole trip was my show at “The Metropolitan Room” on Sunday afternoon.  It was organized by my friend, Tom, who worked on the ship with the “Rock of Ages” cast.  It was a really wonderful experience performing my original work and some of my favourite covers for people from all different parts of my life.  It’s amazing how you can meet people from all over the world, and then a good chunk of them are in New York City at the same time!  I was amazed by all the people who came and supported me.  Some of them hadn’t seen me perform since I was a teenager, others were from the ship who showed their support like they always did while I was onboard.  I had friends from my camp counselor days in Montana come out as well as random friends from Calgary that are now living in NYC.  I even had some people come in off the streets which was a lovely surprise!  Overall, it was an incredible experience for me.  Thank you again to everyone who came out to support me! 

The Metropolitan Room (photo credit to Troy Goldthorp...obviously) 
All right, well I have tried to keep this post short and sweet (though I don't know how I did because I had so much to talk about!).  As my friend Brigitte and my sister, Britt keep telling me, I need LESS typing and more photos... So I hope this blog post suffices!  What an incredible 4.5 months it was! Despite getting homesick from time to time, getting frustrated with the annoyances that come with living on a ship for months at a time, it was one of the best times of my life!  God blessed me with beautiful people around me and an opportunity to do what I love.  Here's to hoping there are more great times ahead!  Thanks everyone for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers while I am away!  It means the world.  Hugs and kisses to you all at home!      

Bye for now!!



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