Saturday, December 22, 2012

Goodbye to Central America! Helloo...winter break!

Greetings to you all from...Calgary, AB!  Yes, that’s right.  I am home.  And have been for two weeks now.  HAHA I guess when I got home, I was so caught up in seeing my family and friends that I have been separated from for so long that I didn’t really have time to write a blog post.  Plus, I had to do all of my Christmas shopping!  I know this post is REALLY late, but I had to write about my last two weeks on the cruise ship because my Mom and our friend, Gwen joined me and we had a really wonderful time. We did A LOT so I am going to put a lot of this in bullet point form (otherwise you’ll be reading until New Years and nobody wants that). 

Mom and Gwen's welcome aboard package!
When they first arrived, Gwen and Mom were surprised with a fruit plate and champagne!  The housekeeping department really went above and beyond to make them feel welcome which I am so grateful for!  We had one sea day before our first port which was a formal night.  Not only did we get some pictures together, but I also spent quite a while dancing with a German man named Spatz who was about 80 years old and 5 feet tall.  It was a first dance that led to many more dances throughout the cruise. 

Mom and I's first formal night together

Spatz and I sharing our first dance together :)
Our first stop was Cabo.  Mumsie and I went on a beach getaway excursion (tough, right?) and Gwen went on a snorkeling adventure.  It was great to catch up a bit with Mum and tell her about life on the ship in PERSON. 
Part of the hotel we spent the day at
Our beach escape!

Puerto Vallarta was one of our few ports where we did not do an excursion.  Instead, we met up with a friend of my Mom and Gwen’s. Sherry Toffin.  She is also from Calgary, but spends about 6 weeks in Puerto Vallarta each year.  We had a nice lunch together, and then we did some shopping.  That night in the dining room, we were able to listen to a Mariachi band and see some Mexican women dancing in their traditional dress.  It was a lovely dinner and after being in two ports, the ladies were excited for some relaxing sea days.

Gwen, Mumsie, and Sherry

Traditional Mexican Dress

Over the next few days, we met some great people either due to my piano playing, or of course, my mother.  She really can talk to ANYONE and made some great friends on the cruise.  Don, Vin & Kathy, Darryl & Dominic, Elaine & Bob were just some of them.  All of these people I just listed came to my sets all the time.  Some of them even missed the show every night to come hear me play and I had a wonderful time getting to know them.  We are still in touch and I hope that I will meet up with them once again whether it’s in New Mexico, New Zealand or St. Louis.

Our next port was Antigua, Guatemala.  Antigua is a 90 min. drive from the port so I have never been able to get out there, but we were able to swing it this time so I was very excited to go!  The big stop of the day was the Jade Museum/store.  We learned about the “World’s Most Valuable Gemstone” and met the woman who discovered jade in Guatemala, one of two countries that has real, authentic jade.  We got to see some of the factory where they make the jade into jewelry pieces, carve it to make other things etc.  It was very cool and I had a great time walking around the store buying necklaces for myself and my sisters. 

On our way!
The napkin says, "Divas in Guatemala" in case you didn't know.  DBJ.

Great view of the volcano on the way to Antigua!
Touching a giant chunk of jade
Gwen in Antigua

Excited for my jade!

On the way home
Guatemalan locals

The rest of the day was mostly just walking around, looking in shops, getting a feel for the Guatemalan culture and enjoying a coffee in a nice cafe to end the day.  It was a long bus ride back and I was looking forward to taking a nap on the bus, but our guide insisted we listened to marimba music the whole way back (which was nice for 15 min. and then I got irritated).  Great day, though!

Two cuties!!
Costa Rica was a very, very full day.  We were on a 9 hour tour that included a bus ride, a boat tour, walking tour, and aerial tram.  I get tired just thinking about it.  I have never had a chance to do anything in Costa Rica because we usually have boat drill, but I was able to get excused this one time.  We saw lots of wildlife on the boat tour.  We saw a lot of birds and lizards, but also crocodiles!  It was very cool to see everything in its natural habitat and our tour guide was great so I learned a lot.
Excited to be a tour escort...again...!
On the boat tour!

Giant Crocodile!
Locals chilling out

One of the cool flowers we got to see
The aerial tram was great and again, we were able to see a lot of wildlife in the rainforest as well as some great flowers and enjoy the stunning views from the tram.  We finished off the tour with a walk through the garden where we saw lots of neat flowers, interesting fruits, herbs, and even snakes!  We learned how to decipher whether a snake was poisonous or not (though I don’t think I would have time to figure it out if a snake fell on top of me).  The bus ride back was long and I was able to fall asleep, but as soon as I got back on the ship, I had to work so like I said, it was a long day, but a great one.
View from the aerial tram

In Panama, Mum and I went on a tour of Panama city (about an hour away from Colon where the ship dock is) and it was awesome!  We not only did a bus tour, but we also did a walking tour that was really hot, but interesting!  There was lots of cool architecture in the city and it was much cleaner than Colon was so that was a pleasant surprise.  Our guide was so awesome and seemed to know EVERYTHING so I was happy I finally got to see Panama City after stopping in so many times.
Panama City Skyline!
Mumsie and Me

One of the coolest buildings I have seen!
Enjoying our walking tour in the heat

In Colombia, Alex and I met Gwen at the hard rock cafe and enjoyed some nachos (and free wifi) and then did some shopping.  I exchanged the dress that I had already exchanged for ANOTHER dress and settled on a white blouse.  I am no longer experiencing buyer’s remorse (though I guess I can’t really experience that because there is no possible way that I can ever return it being that I am no longer in South America or going back any time soon).  Mum went to the Crocs store (would NOT give up on that) so she was happy.  It was a great way to spend our last day in port!

The next sea day was fairly busy for me, but I was excited because the next day was MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I was turning 22 and I couldn’t believe it!  Things didn’t go the way I had planned exactly, but I still had a wonderful day.  It started off in the spa on board where I got a manicure and pedicure with Mum.  Then, we had cake (again, I love the housekeeping department who delivered it to fit my schedule).  It was so thoughtful of my Mum to go to all the trouble of getting a cake (and champagne!) and I am so thankful that she really made me feel like it was my birthday even though I didn’t have the rest of my family/friends around.  We also did presents!  Mum got me a bracelet to commemorate my first cruise ship contract (see picture) and Gwen gave me some charms to add to it.  It was a very sweet gift and I was so thankful!

I still had to work that day, but I was still happy because my last set was full of people who had come to nearly all of my sets.  They even sang me “Happy Birthday” after my last song!  I cried.  Obviously. 
One of my biggest "fans" on the ship, Don
Darryl & Dominic
Spatz and I were able to get a final picture together
Loving my new bracelet
Enjoying some champagne to celebrate!

Anyway, that night we celebrated my birthday at the specialty restaurant onboard, “Qsine”.  It is a restaurant that is very unordinary!  We were taken on a culinary adventure around the world and had some amazing dishes!  My favourite were the sushi lollipops and the crab lava cake! was so good! 
Enjoying my chocolate covered strawberry treat!

Gwen and I
Sushi lollipops! Mmm....
The end to a great night!
The waiters remembered it was my birthday and brought me a cake while singing.  I could barely eat any of it because I was already so full!  Diego, our waiter (who knows me and knows I love dessert) said I had to try one of the restaurant’s dessert, so I had some amazing gelato that was served in a rocket ship dish.  It was amazing!  It was a wonderful night and a wonderful way to celebrate my 22nd birthday.  Though the rest of the night was a little stressful with all the packing I had to do, it ended up being a pretty great day.

Looking back, I am so thankful for everyone that I met while on the cruise ship.  Here are a few pictures of some of the amazing people I will never forget:

The first acapella boys to take me under their wing and show me the ropes!
My dear friend, Shane, a dancer from the production cast (and a fellow Beyonce fan!!)
My buddy, Seth, who always loved to cuddle with me...NOT.
The men of the "Leal Quartet" who I got to jam with from time to time
My older brothers for the past three months!! Love you all.
These are just SOME of the amazing people that I have met and have brought so much joy into my life.  Not only did they make my contract a great one, but you all reading right now made my time away much more enjoyable.  Thank you for your e-mails, for reading, or (as some of you admit to me) just looking at the pictures.  It is always nice to know that people at home haven’t forgotten about me and are interested in what I am doing!

I am enjoying spending time with my family now while at the same time preparing for my next trip which starts Jan. 11th when I will be heading off to ASIA!  I will be there for 9 weeks seeing Thailand, Singapore, Japan, China, South Korea, Indonesia, and Vietnam.  I am so looking forward to it and can’t wait for the next adventure!  Still, there really is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!  I will start posting again in January when I land in Asia (same blog address).   

I hope that all of you have a joyful Christmas and a blessed New Year!

All my love,
The Diva

Monday, December 3, 2012

Volcanoes and Kayaks...again...!

Sorry for the late blog post.  It has been awhile since I have had decent internet access.  I have done a lot since I wrote last time in Panama so I will get right down to it.  This post is about my cruise through the Panama Canal BEFORE my Mom came (don't worry I will write about all of those adventures as soon as I get home!) Pictures won't have captions and I will re-organize it later, but I don't have much time so please forgive any typos! 

After Panama, we stopped in Guatemala and I finally got to do a tour that I have tried to sign up for three times already.  It was a volcano hike and I was very excited to get outside and do some real hiking.  I had the best time and enjoyed some stunning viewpoints of the countryside.  It started off with a bus ride out there that was about 45 min. long, but it went by fast as our guide, Eric, told us LOTS and LOTS of information about the city of Puerto Quetzal and the country of Guatemala in general.

When we started the hike, it was quite cold.  The higher we went, the colder it got.  I was glad I brought a pair of pants that I could wear over my shorts as well as a pullover.  I started off the hike wearing it all.  Being Calgarian, I always know to dress in layers.

At the beginning of the hike, there were kids selling walking sticks that, of course, I was too cheap to rent.  Also, I have never found a walking stick useful.  However, nearly all of the guests rented them for $1 a piece (yes, I am THAT cheap).  Some even grabbed 2! I’m sorry, but how would that be more helpful?  Anyway, I noticed that most people ended up just carrying most of the way rather than actually using them.

It wasn’t long before I went into camp counselor mode.  Eric told me there was a woman with asthma so I was keeping an eye on her while also making sure that people were taking breaks and drinking enough water (I don’t know how many times I shouted “Hydrate Early and Often!”).  I also took on the role that Debra Odegard usually takes on.  It wasn’t long until I was telling people to get in line at viewpoints and shouting “I’m the official photographer”.  I think people appreciated having someone there to take their picture (not everyone is as skilled at selfies as I am).

I should also mention that there were about 15 horses following us up the hill.  The riders (some as young as 9) would keep shouting “taxi, taxi!” hoping that one of the guests would give up and ride a horse the rest of the way (for the price of $30).  I am pleased to report that every single tourist managed to do the hike on their own (of course there were still verbal complaints the whole time, but I’ve learned to expect that from at least 40% of all cruisers. Weaklings.)

Eric would stop the group every once in awhile and give us more information about the vegetation around us, animals that lived in the area, history of the volcano etc. which was great and again, the views were stunning.  Eventually we made it to the halfway point and took a little break.  At this point I had taken off my pullover because I was sweating while walking, but it got REALLY cold once I stopped and the wind was blowing really hard.  We were going to be going up even further so I was LITERALLY about to put it on when I heard this girl (a little older than me) complaining about how cold she was.  She just kept going ON and ON about how they should’ve told her to bring something warmer (which, I must mention, it DID say on the shore excursion ticket) and I just couldn’t take it anymore so I offered her my sweater just to shut her up.  What I hated most was that she is there saying “No, it’s ok...” when I know that she is freezing and just wants me to INSIST that she takes it.  I kept saying “No really I have pants on, I will be fine” and it wasn’t until her mother said “Take the sweater!” that she finally gave in.

The rest of the hike was great-it was more difficult coming down because of all the shale, falling rocks, and steep hills.  A woman slipped and declared that she had broken her wrist (lie) and didn’t know if she could walk anymore (lie).  Again, camp counselor Annika came out.  We cleaned up her cut on her ankle and I told her she would be fine, but if she really felt she had hurt herself she should go to the medical centre on the ship once we got back.  OH NO, that wasn’t enough.  She was CONVINCED she broke her wrist so she insisted we make a splint using a water bottle (I’m sorry, what?) and would NOT stop talking about it for the rest of the journey.  Honestly, I don’t know how many times I just wanted to tell her to suck it up.   
One of the coolest parts of the hike was when we were in the crater of the volcano and roasted marshmallows using one of the natural heat vents (called a chimney).  It was very cool and I enjoyed a few of the marshmallows before we finished the hike.  My feet hurt at the end, and I was covered in dust/dirt but it was a wonderful, exhausting day and I enjoyed it a lot.  Here are a few shots from my adventure!

In Cabo, I went kayaking and snorkeling.  It was great!  I was partnered with a guy named Bill from Atlanta.  He was supposed to be in a kayak with his wife, but she was a little nervous so she went with the guide, and Bill became my partner!  He was quite the conversationalist, and we talked A LOT.
We went to “Lover’s Beach” (not just me and Bill, but the whole group.  Obviously) and I took some GREAT selfies.  I was happy there were lots of rocks/boulders to set my camera on.  Everyone was looking at me with strange faces, yet nobody volunteered to just TAKE my picture for me.  Go figure. 
I also went snorkeling, even though I hate fish (and I hate fish because I am scared of them.  NBD).  I saw lots of interesting fish and enjoyed myself, other than when someone’s flipper would touch my body and I immediately thought it was a school of fish attacking me with their scaly, slippery bodies.  This happened multiple times.  It’s fine.

Our guide, Luis, was great.  My favourite thing about him was that he was constantly asking me to take pictures of him.  I would be taking pictures of the scenery and then, I would notice that Luis was posing thinking that I was actually taking a picture of him
Bill and I loving life!

Luis and I

Anyway, it was a wonderful day filled with sand, sunshine, and the sea!
My next blog post will be about my time spent with Mumsie and Gwen.  We are having a great time, but I don’t think I will have any decent internet access before I return home so you may have to wait awhile to hear about our adventures!  Better late than never, though, I suppose!
Hope you are all doing well!